I have been trying for over a year


Nov 21, 2006
Can anyone please review my submission for <URL Removed>. I have submitted over a year ago, but nothing happens.

I would sincerely appreciate someone could please tell me the status of my submission.

I have made many changes during the past year.

Many thanks


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

We no longer provide status checks for URLs that have been suggested to the directory. You can read the announcement about it here.

Since you have already suggested your URL you have done everything you need to do. Your best option now is to forget about DMOZ and look for other methods of promoting your website.

Thanks :)


Nov 21, 2006
photofox said:

We no longer provide status checks for URLs that have been suggested to the directory. You can read the announcement about it here.

Since you have already suggested your URL you have done everything you need to do. Your best option now is to forget about DMOZ and look for other methods of promoting your website.

Thanks :)

Why? I would like to know what is the problem, so I can fix it. I have noticed that the category I submitted to doesn't have an editor, so could that be the problem?



Jan 23, 2003
I would like to know what is the problem, so I can fix it.

How do you know if it has even been looked at? We never said there was a problem, that is a conclusion that you jumped to.

We chose to discontinue status checks because, among other reasons, people always wanted to argue -- when in reality, sites that are declined a listing are fundamendtally unlistable. Rare is the site that can be 'fixed.' In the few instances where a problem is not one of structure and a profound lack of unique content -- very often the editor will shoot off a note to the webmaster, even though the editor is under no obligation to do so.

As far as the category not having a named editor, the FAQ addresses that in a meaningful manner, and I am not going to repeat it here.

Bottom line: we have told you all that we are going to tell you. No amount of posturing are rewording of the quesiton will change that.


Nov 21, 2006
spectregunner said:
How do you know if it has even been looked at? We never said there was a problem, that is a conclusion that you jumped to.

We chose to discontinue status checks because, among other reasons, people always wanted to argue -- when in reality, sites that are declined a listing are fundamendtally unlistable. Rare is the site that can be 'fixed.' In the few instances where a problem is not one of structure and a profound lack of unique content -- very often the editor will shoot off a note to the webmaster, even though the editor is under no obligation to do so.

As far as the category not having a named editor, the FAQ addresses that in a meaningful manner, and I am not going to repeat it here.

Bottom line: we have told you all that we are going to tell you. No amount of posturing are rewording of the quesiton will change that.

At least we should be notified if anyone ever looks at my submission. I am not asking for any reason why it is rejected if it is.

For my site listed in my profile, every single page has been validated using http://validator.w3.org/, and every page has it own unique tilte and content.
I have 4000+ users daily already. You won't have that many users if the site is not useful. Barron had praised the site as shown in the front page. Not many sites get listed by Barron.

And it is not fair to ask your fellow webmaster to go else where to promote a site. I am sure we all spend a lot of effort to make a site, and I wish our effort being respected.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
sf4 said:
At least we should be notified if anyone ever looks at my submission. I am not asking for any reason why it is rejected if it is.
Why? What would you do if you know that somone looked at your site which you wouldn't do if you know noone looked at the site yet?

sf4 said:
For my site listed in my profile, every single page has been validated using http://validator.w3.org/, and every page has it own unique tilte and content.
I have 4000+ users daily already. You won't have that many users if the site is not useful. Barron had praised the site as shown in the front page. Not many sites get listed by Barron.
All of this is no relevance for the DMOZ review process.
You can check yourself if a site is listable or not by reading the DMOZ guidelines.

sf4 said:
And it is not fair to ask your fellow webmaster to go else where to promote a site. I am sure we all spend a lot of effort to make a site, and I wish our effort being respected.
OK, but DMOZ is not a tool for promoting websites. So if you want to promote your site you can only go elsewhere.


Nov 21, 2006
pvgool said:
Why? What would you do if you know that somone looked at your site which you wouldn't do if you know noone looked at the site yet?

All of this is no relevance for the DMOZ review process.
You can check yourself if a site is listable or not by reading the DMOZ guidelines.

OK, but DMOZ is not a tool for promoting websites. So if you want to promote your site you can only go elsewhere.

I have read DMOZ guidelines and I think my site meets the guideline, maybe it was not a year's ago because it was not mature enough. But it is all complete and I wish you can take a look.

Many thanks.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I wish you can take a look
Posting here doesn't expedite a review. If it did, the small proportion of editors volunteering to work here would be swamped.

"If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride" - old saying


Nov 21, 2006
jimnoble said:
Posting here doesn't expedite a review. If it did, the small proportion of editors volunteering to work here would be swamped.

"If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride" - old saying

I understand that. I am kind thinking maybe there are not enough editors for the amount of websites to review. So I am thinking to become an editor and hope to offer some help. But since the dmoz is not accepting editor application right now, so I will just wait.

I do apprecaite all of you who contribute to the dmoz. Many thanks.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
A common misunderstanding is that we are a free listings service. Then those who suggest a site become frustrated because we don't act like a listing service, and don't meet their goals of web site promotion.

"sf4" said:
And it is not fair to ask your fellow webmaster to go else where to promote a site. I am sure we all spend a lot of effort to make a site, and I wish our effort being respected.

We do respect your efforts. But we aren't a web promotion service, so if that is what you are looking for, you're going to have to look elsewhere.

We're a group of volunteers who are growing a directory as a hobby. We do accept suggestions, and do appreciate them as an additional resource , but they are not the only way we find sites. In some categories they are quite useful. In others, the amount of spam and garbage submitted makes them a quagmire. You might find the Suggesting a Site FAQ useful.

No, we don't notify the submitter when we look at a site. If it is a site which has been submitted, we've found that the experience is less than useful on both sides. We've had editors harassed, threatened, and even stalked, so communication with submitters is not encouraged.

If you find a small category which you'd like to develop, please feel free to apply when the application form becomes available. If accepted, you'll find that there is much more to growing a category than just looking at submissions. You might want to read the Becoming an Editor FAQ in the meantime, and perhaps our Editorial Guidelines. :)


Nov 21, 2006
gloria said:
If you find a small category which you'd like to develop, please feel free to apply when the application form becomes available. If accepted, you'll find that there is much more to growing a category than just looking at submissions. You might want to read the Becoming an Editor FAQ in the meantime, and perhaps our Editorial Guidelines. :)

Thank you very much for your inputs, gloria. I've never been an editor, so I didn't have the experience. But I am shocked to hear editors get threatened or stalked.

I will read those links you provide and hope I can contribute some too. It is really a hobby for me.

Best regards


Nov 6, 2006
Will a kind editor offer assistance?

I have submitted my website for listing, but I am a "rookie" designer and learned everything from a year's worth of reading everything I could get my hands on. My website's domain is, we'll say, www abc com, but when you visit that domain, you are directed to my store, who's homepage is www stores abc com/storefront.bok. Is that considered a redirect? Unfortunately, I have already made the submission under the www abc com domain and hope I have done this correctly.

By the way, thanks to all the volunteers out there who GIVE their time to the directory.

The highest reward for a person's work is not what they get for it, but what they become because of it. -- John Ruskin


Oct 29, 2006
Internal redirects from the main url are pretty much ignored.
External redirects are severely frowned upon and the external url is listed instead.
My website's domain is, we'll say, www abc com, but when you visit that domain, you are directed to my store, who's homepage is www stores abc com/storefront.bok. Is that considered a redirect?
no (well it's not one we are concerned about is probably more accurate)
If abc.com redirected to stores.joeblogssite.com/storefront.bok we'd list the joeblogsite url instead.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.