I have been waiting for almost a year


Jan 23, 2003
No we cannot. We no longer provide that service.

You might want to look at our FAQ, as we specifically address the time it takes for a site to be looked at by an editor.

Beyond that, it is an exercise in patience.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ah, OK, first of all, it's absolutely certain that all of those wouldn't be listed. They are "related sites": from the same entity, offering similar products. You can read the submittal policy to see what could well happen if you submit them all.

My guess without looking (which is all it is ethical for me to do now) is that the sites haven't even been looked at yet. If there is something unique there (I haven't looked, so I can't tell), then it is still pretty certain that there is nothing BLATANTLY unique (because mail-order memory products have been commonly offered for longer than the internet has been around.) So it's likely there are lots of competition, and ... nothing to choose between one and the other, and ... therefore not surprising if no editor has yet gotten around to these yet.

Beyond that, as I said, not ethical to go any more. However, if you make a request in the following form, "submitted www.xxx.com to category xxx, but it really shouldn't have been submitted because it's a fraternal mirror of www.yyy.com -- can you delete www.xxx.com without prejudice to the submittal of www.yyy.com?" That I think we can do.
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