I have submit my site TWICE and no answer


Aug 5, 2008
Hello guys and girls, good afternoon, i have submitted my site <url removed> twice and i havent received any answer if was aproved or not, one in march and other recently in july. I fill out a application to be voluunter cause i like to help, and i could see that the application process has gone lil bit SLOW, so i think u need more volunteers but i haven been rejected 2 times without ONE expecification, just the samething, several explanations about why i might be rejected, no a special one, it could be ANY, but i wanna know WHICH ONE...

Thanks for read and ur future help :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Website: Please take the trouble to read this forum's FAQ and a few recent threads in this forum. I could copy and paste what I've been telling other people all day but I'm short of time right now :).

Editor application: Yours was declined on 2008-07-28 and an explanatory email was sent to the email address that you gave.


Aug 5, 2008
Thanks Jim i have been reading some post, i know i have optios to re-apply. I just read my email back and find out a small explanation below it, i dont want to sound rude, i saw that you and the others administrators are very helpful but to be a Volunteer i think thar the application is very strict like if were a real paid job, come on guys, is just a volunteer people who want to help YOU THE PAGE, i know some maybe want to promote their sites, i dont think that just being an EDITOR means that you could damage tha image of DMOZ or cause any trouble... Is just a opinion, i respect your rules and everything, is just that some are a lil bit to strict.
Thanks again JIM and GOD bless you


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Suggesting a site doesn't help it get listed. EVER. This is true no matter how many times it's suggested.

What helps a site gets listed is _unique_ _content_.

Suggesting a site doesn't help the suggester, and isn't intended to. It helps the editor.

And suggesting a site helps a site get found at the right time. The "right time" is when an editor is looking for that kind of site, and not the time when it's suggested.

So, with that understanding of the process -- you CAN'T know how well it's working, only an editor can know that. And any old editor doesn't know either, only the "right editor" will know, and even he'll only know when he's working on that kind of site. (Obviously no editor can know what other editor will work on, or when he'll work on it, so there's no point in asking those questions either.)

And, if you think about it, the editor doesn't want to waste time "answering" suggestions that DON'T help -- and as for suggestions that DO help, the best answer is to review and list the site. So you shouldn't have been expecting any other kind of answer.


Aug 5, 2008
I will just say thanks again :) because i am gratefull... This post may be closed at any time and i excuse myself if i make you guys loose your important time with my words, JIM you are doing a GREAT job, keep it like that always.
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