I have submitted ...


Aug 22, 2007
I have tried to submit this site for the past 3 years to the following cat:

Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Lancashire: Travel and Tourism: Accommodation: Guides and Directories

But still I am unable to get it listed in there please can someone give me some advice thanks



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Thank you for not mentioning the url because we won't discuss individual websites here :).

In general, just suggest your website to the one most appropriate category and we'll process it in time. There's no legitimate way of expediting the process. Having said that, a guidelines compliant proposed title and description could make it more attractive to an editor.


Aug 23, 2007
Wow, three years?

Jim, let's presume that James has been doing what you suggested all along, and that his site and the catagory are as specific as possible. What should or could be done at this point?

On a side note, I have to wonder how credible a directory is that doesn't included sites in a timely matter. One week is timely, with the technology available in this day and age. One month is acceptable, but clearly not efficient. One year seems downright improper, and makes me think that the ODP is either behind the times or grossly understaffed.


Jan 26, 2004
DasCapitolin said:
On a side note, I have to wonder how credible a directory is that doesn't included sites in a timely matter. One week is timely, with the technology available in this day and age. One month is acceptable, but clearly not efficient. One year seems downright improper, and makes me think that the ODP is either behind the times or grossly understaffed.
I think any directory that offers that kind of service (ie a listing service) and takes that long has no credibility at all - on that we agree. The problem with what you are saying is that DMOZ does not offer a listing service. You have DMOZ confused with some other directories that do offer a listing service.


Aug 22, 2007
why ?

Well the URL in question is URL REMOVED as you do a whois lookup you noticed I have had this web site a long time and still unable to get it listed in ODP :(


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Seems that my thank you message in post 2 fell on deaf ears (to mix a metaphor). I've removed the url from your post. Do not reinstate it or repeat it in this forum.

<rhetorical> I can't help wondering what you thought you'd gain by ignoring this forum's rules and annoying the very people from whom you're seeking help. </rhetorical>


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
On a side note, I have to wonder how credible a directory is that doesn't included sites in a timely matter. One week is timely, with the technology available in this day and age. One month is acceptable, but clearly not efficient. One year seems downright improper, and makes me think that the ODP is either behind the times or grossly understaffed.
Hmm, the "technology available in this day and age" is humans (you know that we're a human-edited directory, right?). And humans haven't changed much in recent ages. :D


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
DasCapitolin said:
Jim, let's presume that James has been doing what you suggested all along, and that his site and the category are as specific as possible. What should or could be done at this point?
Not jim, but will try and answer this as best as I can. The first thing one can do if they have been suggesting a site for three years is to stop spamming the directory with suggestions. If the site has been suggested recently (that is since the the servers recovered in December of 2006) don't resuggest it anymore. If the last suggestion was prior to the server crash in October of last year, then suggest it one more time. Multiple suggestions only help to slow down the review process. Each time a site is resuggested it overwrites the previous suggestion and makes the site appear to be a new suggestion. Should an editor choose to review sites based on suggestion date (some do, some don't) the old one will be lost in favor of a new one and the site would slip to the bottom of the pile again.

DasCapitolin said:
On a side note, I have to wonder how credible a directory is that doesn't included sites in a timely matter. One week is timely, with the technology available in this day and age. One month is acceptable, but clearly not efficient. One year seems downright improper, and makes me think that the ODP is either behind the times or grossly understaffed.
Thousands of sites are added regularly that were never suggested in the first place, that says more for the credibility to me of a directory that doesn't claim to be a listing service. Site suggestions from the public are but one small resource that editors could choose to use, to find listable sites. In many categories, public suggestions are rendered useless by the amount of spam, duplicate suggestions, mirrors, and junk sites that get suggested. Therefore editors there can edit indefinitely without ever looking at the public suggestions. Note: In my experience Regional categories are not normally as bad as other Branch categories in regards to spam suggestions, therefore public suggestions are often times very useful but not always.


Aug 22, 2007
Sorry Guys

Sorry for posting the URL my hand has been slapped very hard lol :( I just wanted some help and thought the URL might help you guys find out what is wrong


Mar 25, 2002
birdie said:
The problem with what you are saying is that DMOZ does not offer a listing service. You have DMOZ confused with some other directories that do offer a listing service.
Birdie gave the best answer. The ODP is not a listing service. This is one of the fundamental misunderstandings that most people have about the ODP. We are very careful to say that we welcome your suggestions to the directory, but we do not consider them to be submissions that have to be acted upon in a specific amount of time, or ever for that matter. If there is an editor in that category, and they like your suggestion and feel that it fits in the category where it was suggested, they will add it to the directory. But only because it benefits the the users who search the directory, or the people who use the data in some other way.


Aug 27, 2007
2 month and no listed to know :(
and editor just add his site
this not good guys


Jan 23, 2003
What is not good about it?

Editors who are webmasters are entitled to add their own sites if the sites meet the ODP editing guidelines.

If every active editor added his or her website today it would only increase our listings by about 7,500 sites (assuming every editor had one site and that the site was not already listed).

And you assume (but have absolutely no way of knowing) what editor added the site.

Are you aware there are more than 200 editors who can add sites in any category? Makes it a bit hard to say with any degree of certainty that editor X added his or her site.

It also presumes that your sute is eligible for a listing.

Lots of assumptions, very few facts.
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