i have succes..... danke dmoz


Dec 21, 2009
i add my website in dmoz and i have succes, but the description text is not what i write, or who write that is editor?
can someone describe about that?
because i don't become email from dmoz.. about my submision.

thank you so much.
thank you dmoz

best regard
wiyono (Indonesia)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> i add my website in dmoz
Eh... no. Only an editor can add websites to DMOZ. You have suggested a websites. And an editor either looked at that suggestion or found the website in some other way and decided that the website should be listed.

> but the description text is not what i write, or who write that is editor?
If the suggested description does not fit the DMOZ guidelines an editor will rewrite the suggested description. This is very common, my guess over 90% of descriptions are rewritten.

> can someone describe about that?

> because i don't become email from dmoz.. about my submision.
Correct. We never send emails. Not when a website is listed. Not when a suggested website is rejected.

> thank you so much.
Your welcome.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This is very common, my guess over 90% of descriptions are rewritten.

That's a very conservative estimate. I'd guess 99% with VERY high confidence, and 99.9% with pretty high confidence.

because i don't become email from dmoz.. about my submision

There's nothing email could tell you, that you don't already know. The site is listed -- everybody on the web knows that now! The description was change to meet current standards -- that can happen to anything in the ODP, any time. It's ALWAYS being improved, somewhere, somehow. (That's what editors do!) And all those changes are visible, again, to everybody; and none of them are reported separately to any of the people who helped get the description up to where it was before the last change.

It's OK to be interested in just one listing. But the ODP processes don't make any assumptions about that. You can suggest other people's websites, and you can suggest changes to listings of other people's websites. And they can suggest changes to the listing of your website.
All four million listings are provided to you (and everyone else) on exactly the same basis. All of them can be improved, anytime, by any volunteer with editing permission in the category. And when that happens the improvements are provided to everyone.

That's what it means for a directory to be "for surfers" rather than "for website owners". Granted, these days it's an unusual goal, so it surprises a lot of people.
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