[My original post was accidentally an edit instead of a response. I believe I've restored the original poster's exact language.]
>This is not a fair system because the existing sites which have been listed already get an unfair advantage over new sites.
Fortunately, that doesn't matter to anyone.
>In fact since google is using this directory as a reference, waiting a year and 2 basically kills any new competition.
Who cares about competition? The ODP is about listing sites that HAVE no competition!
This is something that confuses lots of people. But it is not confusing, as long as you think about "unique information on a site."
For instance, suppose John and Richard are both plumbers in Podunk, New Jersey. They may compete with each other. But their websites DON'T compete. John's Plumbing Universe tells everything about what John does for a living, and no other website in the world can speak with authority on THAT subject. Richard's Pipe World tells everything about what RICHARD does for a living, and Richard is the world expert on THAT subject. Both of those sites have no competition. Both have access to information that no other site in the world has. Both can be listed.
>Another issue is who can make sure the judges are not biased?
That's always an issue, we all do the best we can with it. But I'll tell you who SHOULDN'T get a vote -- who should be thrown off of the jury if he even raises the question! That's right, the website owner. That goes for the volunteers -- editors -- who give their own site special treatment, and it goes double for people who haven't even bothered to volunteer for anything, and are only demanding special treatment from someone else.
>If a judge is working for a company and sees a competition request in front of him, what happens when he decide not to act on it?
Why would anyone ask a question like this? If company employee is not even a judge, and doesn't even see the competition request, then what happens when HE decides not to act on it?
Nothing happens, of course!
That's what happens when people decide not to act because they NEVER do anything for anyone else. That's what happens when people decide not to act because they're too busy doing something else for someone else. And that's what happens when people decide not to act because they're dead. It's all the same. Nothing happens when nobody makes it happen.
There's no real difference between what I don't do (after reviewing tens of thousands of sites, and helping prepare thousands of pages of text or music for online publication), what you don't do (after not volunteering for anything), and what Mother Teresa didn't do (after spending years giving poor people food and medicine). What all of us together don't do, doesn't get done.
>Where are the check and balances here?
Every volunteer operates his own balance, and the more he works, the more his balance matters. Every non-volunteer operates his own balance, but since he doesn't do anything, his balance can't possibly matter to anyone else.
Every community has some way of dealing with people whose balance is too different from the community's balance. The old Soviet Union hanged people from lampposts. The new Soviet Union had slave labor camps. Some communities use car bombs for heretics. The ODP ... doesn't let the differently-balanced people help any more.
>This reminds me of the old soviet block countries.
I can sympathize. Sometimes my memory works strangely also.
>There is no transparency here and always there is an excuse.
I'm willing to be transparent about what I do on the web, because I'm proud of it. I'm willing to be especially transparent to the ODP community because I've seen the amount of really good work it has done, and I'm proud to be a part of it. As a result, the community is willing to be transparent to me.
Which is the point. Transparency is a bidirectional phenomenon. If you have ideals someone else might share, be transparent enough about YOUR intentions, and you're welcome to join all the other people who've already been sufficiently transparent about THEIR intentions. And all your actions will be mutually transparent.
Or opaque yourself into a corner--but don't complain about the view. It's really your choice.
Now, nobody should ever care about your own personal promotion plans, but ... if you're ever looking for the important competition, you're welcome to use the directory! No need to thank us, it's a gift. No need to pay us, it's free for all. But that information is not just for you, we give exactly the same gift to everyone on the web, whether we know them or not. How much fairer can you get?
I hope that sounds like "no excuse, no apology." I assure you, none was intended.