I just want to know my site is eligible to be listed in dmoz or not


Aug 16, 2006
I want to know if my site <url DELETED> is eligible to be listed in dmoz or not and what would be the best category for my site in dmoz.I need help from editors.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Please read the submittal policies, but roughly speaking, if a site has "significant unique content," it's eligible for listing. Again, roughly speaking, a personal site (as you said "my site") is FROM you and should be ABOUT you. It should answer some significant question, such as: "Who are you anyway, what do you know, what happened to you, what have you done now, what would you do for money?"

A site that answers one or more of those questions thoroughly, will probably be listable.

As for the rest, that's not handled in this forum, and it doesn't need a forum to handle. If you suggest your site to some category (pick the one that seems closest to you), then an editor will decide if it's listable, and what category it goes in. We do that for all suggested sites, and millions of UNsuggested sites. There is no need for a special request.
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