I know Dmoz does not hate me


New Member
Aug 27, 2010
Hello Dmoz,

I like the new looking site and the forum. It is good to see what everyone else has to say. It seems to me that the same old topic seems to come up. Namely when will my site be listed?
I originally thought I could come on here and ask why my site has not been listed, have I done something wrong and does Dmoz have a personal grudge against me and my website? After having read quite a few other posts I have discovered that Dmoz does not hate me which will help me sleep better tonight. I also have noticed there is no point in putting my url in this post and even describing what my website does is not a good idea really. I have also realised I still cannot contact a Dmoz editor to check my submission status.

I feel quite relaxed about the situation now to see that there is absolutely nothing I can do but wait. Maybe another day...maybe another year. Who knows? And it's not just me. We are all in the same boat. To begin with I must admit I took all this quite personally. But now, after reading the posts I see it's not personal at all. It's a hobby

I am not trying to be sarcastic at all. Just trying to add a bit of realisation and humour.

Have a good Dmoz and keep up the good work, I mean hobby


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The most important thing you can do is ... NOT to wait. Get on with your novel, your image gallery, your plumbing business, whatever it is you do.

And, yes, we're all in the same boat. I have personally prepared over a dozen books--hundreds of hours' work--that are waiting to be posted at some online archive or other. I _know_ by personal experience based on previous contributions, that the books are not only appropriate for the archives, but fit their missions.

No complaints. Many of the volunteers put in more time than I do. And they do get around to it eventually.
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