I know, I know, everyone thinks there site should be listed...


May 6, 2005
Hello, I submitted a site 2 years ago, and was rejected because the site didn't have enough aging, and didn't seem good enough for DMOZ.

I totally understood and plugged away.

Well, now it is a very popular super small town (less than 3000 people) website with a great following and a bunch of nifty features.

I resubmitted and was super excited that I got an email saying it was listed. I thought YIPPEE all my hard work in little ol' town in wisconsin was paying off.

To my dismay, it is not listed. Can someone tell me why?

The site in question is <url removed> (not looking for a free link here.

Thanks in advance..



Jan 23, 2003
super excited that I got an email saying it was listed. super excited that I got an email saying it was listed.

Hmmm, that is unusual and not a standard practice. Sure it was from an ODP editor?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't care how old websites are; we just like to see lots of unique content.

Editors don't have @dmoz.org email addresses. 'From' and 'Reply to' addresses are easily spoofed however and my guess would be that somebody is winding you up.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If you have a town website, then perhaps you would be interested in applying to be an editor for the town? You have to want to list not only your own site but all sites that are listable according to the guidelines, but people who are genuinely interested in their localities don't usually have a problem with that :)

If you don't think it's something you'd have fun doing, it does not mean that the category will never be edited and your site never reviewed, but almost every category benefits from having an editor who is interested in the subject area.

If it does sound like fun, have a look at this thread which has a lot of good advice and further reading.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Henny1999 said:
Hello, I submitted a site 2 years ago, and was rejected because the site didn't have enough aging, and didn't seem good enough for DMOZ.
Strange. Aging is no reason for rejection within DMOZ. BTW how do you know the site was rejected? We don't inform website owners if the their site is rejected.

I resubmitted and was super excited that I got an email saying it was listed. I thought YIPPEE all my hard work in little ol' town in wisconsin was paying off.
Even more strange. We don't send email when a site is listed. And certainly not from a dmoz.org address as we don't have access to these addresses.

My advise is to look at the complete headers of the email you received. It should have some information about the real sender (even if they tried to falsify the headers). In most mailreader software you must first expand the headers to see them completely.


May 6, 2005
pvgool said:
BTW how do you know the site was rejected? We don't inform website owners if the their site is rejected.

I know because I asked in this forum and was told it was too new and wasn't being used yet, sections like FSBO were empty at the time...

Even more strange. We don't send email when a site is listed. And certainly not from a dmoz.org address as we don't have access to these addresses.

OK, it was probably a spoof like was mentioned earlier.

Thanks all for your time, I will ook into becoming an editor. Should be fun since I know almost all of the businesses that are worthy in the area.
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