I made a BIG MISTAKE... 8(


Apr 28, 2010
:( Hello everyone, I need to ask a question about submitting my website. This question is proof why you should go to sleep early and not stay up working until 4:30am.

I submitted my website to the proper category, but I submitted the site under the number 1 section instead of the letter F section.

Please what do I do? Is there anyone I can email and apologize to? I feel like a dummy because I read that only websites beginning with the number 1 gets submitted there!! I don't know what I was thinking.!!

Does that mean I will most likely not be listed in DMOZ now?? Is there anyway to fix that or should I resubmit? Because that sounds like a big No, No also. Dam it man

Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks everyone


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
There is a big difference between people who send their site to lots of remotely related and unrelated categories to get it listed "somewhere", and people like you who make a honest mistake. Editors are human and can understand human mistakes. Don't worry about it - there is no damage done, to the directory or to your site or reputation.

Go to the "F" category and suggest your site there. Take the opportunity to read the instructions carefully, to make sure that the title and description you provide are not spammy or keyword stuffed. The reviewing editor will almost certainly rewrite the description, but if you make the editor's job easier it is more likely that your site will be reviewed earlier. The editor who next looks at suggested sites in the "1" category will clear out the spare suggestion (if it has already been listed under "F" - otherwise they will move it to the "F" category, but that's no big deal), no apology needed. One extra suggestion is not spam.
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