I need a little help


Jul 27, 2010
I first submitted to DMOZ almost 3 years ago. Last year I submitted again and offered to become an editor. I've never heard anything from anybody. I assume my help isn't needed, but I never even got a rejection which leads me to believe maybe I'm doing something wrong. I came in hoping there might be some kind of paid expedited review process. It speaks well of the directory that there isn't, but 3 years? Most businesses have started up and failed in less time than that. Can you really be that far behind? If my help isn't needed surely someone will have gotten to it by now? I'm starting to feel a little foolish for being so patient. Maybe I made a mistake in the submission process? Is there any way to check? Does anyone out there have any suggestions?


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
and offered to become an editor. I've never heard anything from anybody. I assume my help isn't needed, but I never even got a rejection which leads me to believe maybe I'm doing something wrong

All genuine editor applications will receive a response by email. Unfortunately these replies are sometimes eaten by over-aggressive spam filtering systems. There's a specific forum about "becoming an editor" where you can ask what happened to an editor application if it's been more than 14 days and you haven't heard anything.

As for needing new editors -- the project always welcomes new volunteers that can show in their application that they want to help improve the directory and have the ability to do so.

If you'd still like to help out, I suggest you find out what happened to your first application -- it might have been accepted -- and if not submit another one.


Jul 27, 2010
OK, Thanks. I'll try to contact the category editor about the listing. How do I go about checking the status of my editor application? It was so long ago that my anti spam will have deleted it by now if that is indeed what blocked the response.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
OK, Thanks. I'll try to contact the category editor about the listing.
Please don't. We do not like email from people asking about their suggested website. Editors are advised to delete these emails and not to answer them.

How do I go about checking the status of my editor application? It was so long ago that my anti spam will have deleted it by now if that is indeed what blocked the response.
That was already answered by chaos127: "There's a specific forum about "becoming an editor" where you can ask what happened to an editor application if it's been more than 14 days and you haven't heard anything"



Jul 27, 2010
As to the application, I'd be happy to help out if you need it, and it certainly sounds like you do. It was a year ago, so I don't remember for sure. But most likely I used the handle CPAWebGuy.

Please don't. We do not like email from people asking about their suggested website. Editors are advised to delete these emails and not to answer them.

As to the listing... Please don't just tell me what not to do. That's not at all helpful. I have waited patiently for 3 years and I have not been contacted or listed. That's why I'm posting here. I'm trying to play by the rules. What's the proper procedure?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I have waited patiently for 3 years and I have not been contacted or listed. That's why I'm posting here. I'm trying to play by the rules. What's the proper procedure?
You will never be contacted. Not if the site is listed, not if the site is rejected. And trying to contact an editor isn't likely to result in much more -- we discourage editors from entering into conversations with site owners because, in our collective experience, it rarely turns out well. (That's not to say that you might not get a response, but I wouldn't hold out a great deal of hope for getting one that is of any real use to you.)

The only procedure to follow is to just suggest your site and move on. If your site is eventually listed, great, but don't get hung up on it. It could take a lot longer than it already has. I know that sounds harsh, but I'm trying to be realistic here.


Jul 27, 2010
OK. I understand. There is no procedure.

Any luck tracking down my editor app? It's more than a year old now, but I'm hoping you still have a record of it. Oh, and I've changed jobs, so the old email address may not be valid. I'm hoping I used my Yahoo or Google address which I still have, but if I used my old work address then I can't be contacted there. The nick I requested was most likely CPAWebGuy and I'm hoping I used <emails removed for your protection.>. BTW, CPA stands for certified public accountant. I'm NOT an affiliate spammer. I built websites for accountants. My life has changed a lot in the last three years. I don't get to do much design any more. Now I do mostly SEO, but truth be told I'm still more interested in design and would much rather work on that category. My interests have also broadened a great deal in that I no longer work with just accountants. I have a number of service professionals I work with (Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Business Consultants, etc) and I'm familiar with designers in just about every field, especially in Vermont (where I used to live) and Florida (where I still live).


Jul 27, 2010
Hmmn. That was a long time ago. I don't have any of that information.

I guess I should just start over. I probably even used my work email which I don't have any more.

Thanks. I'll reapply.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
The nick I requested was most likely CPAWebGuy
I can not find any application with that name.
But if you could remember the category you applied for we might be able to find it, even if you don't remember the other parts of information we ask for.

Last year I ffered to become an editor
There are no open applications from so long ago.
It either was accepted or rejected.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.