I need help I have been trying to get listed with dmoz for ages


Sep 4, 2009
Hello there can anyone help me I have been trying to get listed with dmoz well for ages now I have drilled down to the best catergory for my shop I have filled out all the correct information and then I never hear from them so what am I doing so wrong please help.

Every blog and article I read they all say you must get into dmoz well I would like to.

I look forward to anybodys help





Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Generic answer:

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

Every blog and article I read they all say you must get into dmoz
Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true :).


Sep 4, 2009
Refs Listing into dmoz

Thank you for your reply infact it has now been over three years now I have submitted to dmoz about a couple of weeks ago so lets hope they like my listing this time as I really want to be listed there.

Kind regards

Decorative living



Apr 5, 2004
3 years to be listed is too long. It should be fast.
Many sites are listed within seconds of the editor finding them. You can't get faster than that. ;)
However, perhaps you mean volunteers "should" immediately review and list site suggestions.
Well, that could possibly happen in a free listing service, but that's not what DMOZ is, and there's no requirement for any volunteer to even look at suggestions, let alone to rush them into the directory.


Sep 12, 2009
makrhod said:
Many sites are listed within seconds of the editor finding them. You can't get faster than that. ;)
However, perhaps you mean volunteers "should" immediately review and list site suggestions.
Well, that could possibly happen in a free listing service, but that's not what DMOZ is, and there's no requirement for any volunteer to even look at suggestions, let alone to rush them into the directory.

Then what is DMOZ? How do the editors select which applications to go over? Or is it true that to get you web site listed you need to become an editor?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
shadowflyer said:
How do the editors select which applications to go over?
I can only speek about how I decide to review websites. Other editors might work in a similar way or do something completely different.

First of all I decide in which category I would like to work today. How I make this decission? Most of the times based on something I noticed in real life or on the web.
When I have found a subject that interests me at that time I first look at the current listings. Are we missing some websites I know myself about that subject. Yes? List them.
Now I look at the pool of suggested websites in that category. Are there any update requests. Process them first. Do some of the suggested websites show any signs that the person who made the suggestion has tried to follow our guidelines (decent title and description). Yes. Process them.
Do I still have time available. If I do I might look at the other suggested webistes or I might search for listable sites in other sources.

It also happens that I find a group of websites mentioned in a newspaper or magazine. I will list all these websites (if they meet our guidelines) and most probably will not look at the suggested websites at all.

In all these case the directory has grown. That is good.
Does it matter that there are still websites in the pool of suggestions. Not at all.


Jun 12, 2009
My Birthday

My 40th birthday is coming up on 9-25-09 and all I want is to have my site listed in dmoz. I must be forty because thats an exciting birthday request! If I get in, cake for everyone. My site is <url removed>
Or if you can't get me in could you tell me what I am doing wrong. (wait longer, quit submitting so many times, site has bad links, explicid pictures of pots and pans)
Jay Rowland
Kitchen Co.
Little Rock, AR


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Hi Jay, if you've suggested your site to the most relevant category, the best you can hope for is that an editor happens by, reviews and lists it. If the site meets our listing guidelines, which you can check, it'll eventually happen :)


Sep 17, 2009
after 2 years of patience , still not listed

Hi there ODP people, I know you all have busy lives and don't like to be pushed
in anyway.
I hope that after 2 years of waiting and without! complaining somebody would be so kind
to help me out to get our site listed.
The directory were we hoped to be placed in is :http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Shareware/Directories/
Would somebody please look at this, we are waiting 2 years now :(
Thank you very much


Curlie Meta
Mar 29, 2002
Prem1on said:
I hope that after 2 years of waiting and without! complaining somebody would be so kind
to help me out to get our site listed.

I am sorry but the directory doesn't offer this kind of service and all the submissions have to wait with the same patience. ;)


Apr 5, 2004
As you can readily understand, editors do not respond to individual requests, because that would imply that the ODP was primarily a listing service for webmasters, which it is not.
We welcome suggestions of worthwhile sites, but there is no requirement for any editor to use those as a resource, which is why there is no time frame for their review. :)
Further details can be found in the FAQ linked at the top of each page here, and in the public documents explaining the purpose and nature of the Project.


Sep 17, 2009
mauri said:
I am sorry but the directory doesn't offer this kind of service and all the submissions have to wait with the same patience. ;)

We are not asking for a special treatment, just that our submission is reviewed.
How long does it usually take ? 5 years?
How does DMOZ stay up to date if processing submissions takes a couple of years?

best regards,


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
How does DMOZ stay up to date if processing submissions takes a couple of years?
The basis of DMOZ is that it is maintained by volunteer editors. As a result work is carried out in areas of interest to those volunteers. So if no-one is interested in a topic at all, then that area will rarely get updated other than when automatic tools run through and remove dead links. Conversely in an area of interest, the suggestions will have been used up and new sites added through the editors actively searching and finding the sites.

People often only look in the area(s) that they are interested in and not elsewhere. So they are aware that no one has worked in a category that they are interested in being listed in and fail to notice the work being carried out by editors in categories that the editors themselves are interested in developing.



Apr 5, 2004
We are not asking for a special treatment
Yes, you are, and you have already been advised that it is not a service we offer, because DMOZ is not a listing service.
How does DMOZ stay up to date if processing submissions takes a couple of years?
Did you read my response at all?
To repeat:
We welcome suggestions of worthwhile sites, but there is no requirement for any editor to use those as a resource, which is why there is no time frame for their review.
The directory in no way relies on suggestions, so there is absolutely no relationship between the timing of their review and the currency of the directory.
In most cases, editors will find far more useful and up-to-date sites by looking in places other than the pool of suggestions, which is usually overflowing with sites of little or no value.


Sep 17, 2009
Eric-the-Bun said:
The basis of DMOZ is that it is maintained by volunteer editors. As a result work is carried out in areas of interest to those volunteers. So if no-one is interested in a topic at all, then that area will rarely get updated other than when automatic tools run through and remove dead links. Conversely in an area of interest, the suggestions will have been used up and new sites added through the editors actively searching and finding the sites.

We understand that work done by volunteers has its limitations, and we certainly appreciate your honesty.

But in general people believe that DMOZ take ALL suggestions seriously, not only the ones that are of personal interest of the editor.

Would the DMOZ be more balanced if editors were encouraged pursue suggestions outside of their personal interest? In fact, when becoming an editor, does the DMOZ not have guidelines for this? I can not imagine that DMOZ gives editors a full carte blanche as to what websites to process, or am I wrong?

Because in reality this means that some folks with good websites have to wait years before their suggestions is even reviewed, while websites that happen to be of personal interest of the editor may even not have to submit to get listed.

Anyway, thanks for you reply, we hope there is an editor around that will take some time to process suggestions that have been done years ago. It would not only be fair, it would also benefit the DMOZ.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Because in reality this means that some folks with good websites have to wait years before their suggestions is even reviewed, while websites that happen to be of personal interest of the editor may even not have to submit to get listed.
Absolutely correct :).

Of course, with several thousand editors, the overall scope of the editorship's interest is quite broad. That's pretty well how all of our several hundred thousand categories were (and are still being) created.

If none of those several thousand editors have any interest in some category, perhaps it isn't a very important one in the overall scheme of things :).
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