I need to change the old site address



I have the same problem, but the category where my site was liste doesn't exist anymore so i can't update it.
I want to change promovol.com (France) to promovols.com and move it to :
"Top: World: Français: Loisirs: Tourisme: Voyages: Voyagistes"
Thanx a lot <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
Sorry, I used the Search Engine (the indexes it uses are now out of date) and didn't check the cat itself.
Well, it has been found that your site is an affiliate and draws its contents from another site. As such, it shouldn't have been listed.


Yeah, i know, thats why I wanted to update the URL: Promovols is the real URL, but the former owner of the site listed it under the name Promovol. I d'like to completely remove Promovol so i can submit Promovols.
Got an idea?

Le problème, en ce qui concerne l'ODP, n'est pas le propriétaire ou l'URL, c'est le contenu unique du site ou, dans le cas présent, le manque de celui-ci selon nos directives. Nous n'acceptons pas les sites affiliés et/ou ceux dont le contenu provient principalement d'un autre site, ce qui semble être le cas pour promovol.com et promovols.com. Désolé.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.