I noticed something strange

May 13, 2004

I realize that DMOZ is not a search engine however, I cna search for specific names of business and usually it would show up i.e. a-number1 will find a-number1 computer solutions listed in the directory.

However, if I search for Skyline homes - while it is listed in the directory under http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_Amer...conomy/Construction_and_Maintenance/Builders/
it does not show up in the search.

Any explanation...I believe this is why I am having trouble with my searches on the search engines.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Your assumption is wrong: the ODP search has absolutely nothing at all to do with ANY real search engine.

The fact is, ODP search and all the real search engines update each on their own schedules, completely indifferent to your or my concerns about our sites. None of them consider this a problem.

The responsibility for your site promotion is yours. Other people will sometimes do things "not necessarily to your detriment", as a Japanese emperor might say. But if you are waiting for that to happen, you're doing the wrong thing.

The ODP listing will probably eventually benefit you. But when, and how much, we don't know -- except that it obviously cannot benefit you more than all your competitors listed in the same category! So leave the ODP alone, and go work on getting links from websites where your actions can make a difference -- there's nothing either you or I can do HERE now.


Jun 13, 2004

As you state, you are definitely in the DMOZ directory. However, using DMOZ search, I searched for "Skyline Homes" and you were not in the results.

If I understand Hutcheson's statement correctly, the DMOZ search engine is not really searching the DMOZ directory in real time. Rather, it does the same thing as all other search engines. It downloads the DMOZ directory on its own schedule (maybe every month or two, possibly longer) and updates its own database at that time.

That being the case, if you recently made it into Open Directory, the likely reason is that the DMOZ search engine may not have 'freshened' yet.

As for other major search engines, you need to submit to each. If you wait for them to find you, they ultimately will, but it could grow old waiting.
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