I noticed


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's an ethical principle that we don't review a site for listing when it's been mentioned in this forum (or, generally, in another forum in conjunction with the ODP.) Very simply, it would be unfair to other webmasters who aren't trying to manipulate editors. And it would be treacherously unfair to other editors, who would be overwhelmed by the manipulators -- if they thought it would work. (It's hard enough to squelch attempts to manipulate, even as it is.)

But all that DOESN'T say ANYONE can't visit a site (or any editor look at its logs) anytime. That's the way the web works, DUH.

In this case, it's pretty evident that Jim Noble looked at the site at least to view editing logs, since he described to you what the logs did NOT show--to wit, editor rejection. And it's common for editors to cross-check each other, so if someone DOES make a mistake of fact in this forum, someone else will catch it. Mistakes like that happen--but very rarely. And we do a pretty good job of catching them -- as you've seen. So I'd not be surprised if some other editors didn't double-check the logs. In fact, I'd almost have been surprised if nobody else did.

This is really really not the place to discuss theology; but if I were god, use of an autosubmitter would cause painful, disfiguring, degenerative neurological disorders. I deduce therefore that I, at least, am not god. As for conspiracies, if I were busy taking over the Brazilian tourist industry and suppressing politically incorrect musicians (as the story goes) I wouldn't have time for dealing with autospam sites.

But I haven't invested much time dealing with autospammers lately. Make of that what you can.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
In any case, as I told you already, we are not going to get into any further discussions of your site here in this forum. Please stop.


Nov 12, 2005
Thank you for your responses

you are correct there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with people I am a manager of a very large greenhouse, and I have to deal with customers on a day to day basis.......so I have cut and pasted every reply I have got today...and have sent complaints on every responce i have recieved. thank you for your information and you great help and your ability to not use sarcasum.
I will send all this information and any further information I get via your post and all the pm's I have recieved today to Netscape.

I will not post here again, thank you for your prompt responses.


Apr 15, 2003
If I was reviewing your site I would not list it, you offer automated submission to DMOZ - and since that's against our rules - my personal opinion is that it would be a disservice to DMOZ users to list the site.


Nov 12, 2005

ummm DMOZ is a extra part of our free service and we hand type them what made you say that ?
but you did just add more bells and whistles to the pot, can I assume this is why none of my sites have not been listed is this what you are saying ?
and if so are we being bias because this means you are assuming this, we do not state this anywhere.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Is English not your first language? (That last post was jumbled beyond comprehension. And I don't even think standard punctuation would have helped.)

And -- apparently you did not understood what motsa told you not to do, because you did it. AGAIN.

You may not discuss your website any more in this forum.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.