I see my site when I search for it, but it doesn't appear in the category list


Feb 13, 2007
Hi all, perhaps someone can help enlighten me here?

I search for my site using my name "Arthur_Abon" (please replace the underscore with a space - just put it there to emphasize).

My listing comes up as existing, but when I click on the category it is listed in - it's not there.

I assumed that the editors took me out and asked them nicely as to why they did it. Apparently, there was something that happened with the data and my site was one of the ones taken out.

It was suggested that I re-submit my listing (which I did). However, when I searched for my name and found out that the listing is still there albeit it does not show in the category Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Designers: Freelance: A , I thought it better to ask here as it could be a bug that will be better addressed by people other than the editors concerned - perhaps someone on the ODP development team?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
However, when I searched for my name and found out that the listing is still there albeit it does not show in the category Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Designers: Freelance: A , I thought it better to ask here as it could be a bug that will be better addressed by people other than the editors concerned - perhaps someone on the ODP development team?
There was/is no bug. The search usually lags behind the actual categories by a couple of weeks. Right now, because of the server problems we had, it is several months behind. So, the fact that you can find your site when you search but not in the category means that it was unreviewed or deleted since the search was updated.


Feb 13, 2007
motsa said:
There was/is no bug. The search usually lags behind the actual categories by a couple of weeks. Right now, because of the server problems we had, it is several months behind. So, the fact that you can find your site when you search but not in the category means that it was unreviewed or deleted since the search was updated.

Thanks motsa.

I have contacted the editors on the category and asked very politely what was offensive or out of tack with my site (in the light that I could perhaps fix and avoid whatever that was that took it out) -- neither of them have said that they erased or moved my site from the list.

Furthermore, I know that my site was in the right category and that I did nothing that should guarantee me getting kicked out of DMOZ. So you may be right - I could've been a victim of the server problems.

Is a resubmit the right action in my case? I did resubmit - mainly because I am a freelancer (it is my only source of livelihood as of now) and a good portion of my traffic comes from DMOZ and DMOZ mirror sites.

Is there someone I can contact to help out?


Nov 7, 2006
Editors are encouraged not to respond to submitters, some do and some don't. I would, personally, not respond to those particular questions at all.

Whatever editors you did contact, may not know, because many other editors roam across wide areas of the Directory, and can also edit in that category.

There may have been a problem with your url, and one our automated tools may have set it aside until an editor can investigate and either resolve it or find a new url (if one exists). :)

It may have been moved to another category it fits in better.

It may have been found to be non compliant with our guidelines, and removed from the Directory.

We don't do site status reports anymore, sorry. :)


Feb 13, 2007
@crowbar: I am quite aware that the editors are not encouraged to answer back - which is why I must thank all the kind editors on the category and those in this forum who offered their insight and opinion.

Also, I was not aware that editors could roam - as such, I am thankful for that info.

I am not comfortable with the thought that someone simply took out the site on the basis of not complying with the guidelines - though I am quite sure that I never violated any - without telling me that I am under such a violation. That kind of absolute power could be subject to abuse specially if one does not know who took out one's site and for what reason, much less that the one taking out a site is not answerable to anyone for anything. Just my 2 cents, I may not be comfortable with it - but rules are rules and one does the best he/she can to live on under them.

@hutcheson: Thanks for clearing that up.
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