I submitted my website over 6 months ago and still nothing :(


Nov 28, 2006
Hey folks,

It took me a good 2 hours to find the DMOZ forum hahah :( I been trying to find some help here because I'm having the hardest time understanding why it takes forever to get my site listed... maybe I was dropped by accident.

If there is anyone that works @ DMOZ that is reading this can you please look for <url deleted> and see the status on that? If not can you tell me who to contact to check my status?

I just find it weird that DMOZ did not archive me in the directories yet (and I believe i Submitted sometime in June 06 maybe earlier) but google has me #15 out of over 47 000 000 PUMA related websites!!!

So please help me out - I'd really appreciate it.

my best,
Joey Dee


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is nobody here or anyone else who could check your status if there were a point to it (see the announcements forum.)

But there's no point to it. There's nothing constructive you could do with that information -- so at this forum, at least, it is against the TOS (which you should read) to ask.

To the best of my knowledge, there is nobody these days who is systematically offering to check statuses for site suggestors. And if there is anyone doing it, they aren't doing it in this forum. (Most other "directory" forums I've seen also ban that question, for their own reasons.)


Nov 28, 2006
Im not sure if you are trying to scare me with your tone of message as it was more ignorant than helpful, I asked a simple and friendly question and you answered with a negative tone. I really don't want to create an argument but you have discounted my first impression of this site! What relevancy is there to mention the word ban in my first post?

I apologize if I sound rude but Im just reacting to that ignorant post by this gentleman above.

Joey Dee


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What you call "simple" and "friendly", our forum terms of service calls "a kind of question specifically not allowed": some might call it "banned".

As a simple and friendly tip, you may consider yourself warned to check OTHER forums' rules also, to avoid discourteously violating them by posting the same unfriendly question there.

You might think about this, though: the ODP has about five million sites, and adds about one million sites a year. Assuming that all the editors devoted themselves tirelessly to casual shoes of the Puma brand, these 47 million sites obviously should expect, on the average, at least 280 months of waiting. The actual average wait will be much longer, because I have heard of editors reviewing sites that had nothing to do with shoes of any brand.

So there is no reason to be concerned after only six months.


Apr 5, 2004
Hello pumatalk. I realise you thought you were asking a "simple and friendly question", but unfortunately it showed that you had not read the forum rules, the prominent Announcement, the equally prominent FAQ, any of the stickied "Important" threads, and probably not even the public page explaining what the ODP offers and how it works.
It is therefore not really surprising that you didn't get the response you were hoping for, when the answer(s) can be readily found in one or more of those resources which have been provided specifically to help people such as yourself.

If you have any questions remaining after reading through those resources, please feel free to ask and we will do our best to help you. :)


Nov 28, 2006
Hey Mark,

Thanks for the reply mate - I have checked the guidelines and new site submission status however the thread links is broken there I am not able to see anything, see for yourself.

<broken link removed.>

Also - would my site still be considered a "new site submission" even if it's been submitted over 6 months ago? And Hutcheson confused me with his explanation of editors verifying millions of sneaker websites and that i would need to wait over 280 months? And That I don't need to be concerned only after 6 months? I have no idea what that means.

So when should I be concerned?

Joey Dee


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
pumatalk said:
So when should I be concerned?
Concerned about what? I am not sure you understand what dmoz is. Dmoz is not a listing service and no site is guaranteed to be included. If one has a site they think would be a good addition to a Dmoz category, they are free to suggest that site to the editors for inclusion. That is all it is though, a suggestion. Once that suggestion has been made, it awaits a volunteer to take an interest in the category and choose to review the suggestion. Upon review it will be determined if the suggestion fits the criteria for the category and the guidelines for inclusion. If it does it will be listed and the suggestion has been helpful. If it does not, it will be deleted and the suggestion was still helpful.
There is no way to predict when or how long until a particular site is reviewed, but 6 months is really not all that long depending on the topic interest and category in question. There is nothing to wait for, nothing to be concerned with, and should not be anything expected from a suggestion of a site.

(oh and it was mak not mark by the way , common mistake ;))


Nov 28, 2006
shadow575 said:
(oh and it was mak not mark by the way , common mistake ;))
Oooops sorry about that Mak, apologies.

I also read that DMOZ is not accepting any new submission as they are majorily backlogged, and i totally understand what DMOZ is, hence why I have not questioned the submission till "serveral months" went by [a few weeks to serval months - is a stated quote when you suggest a url] :) so with no way for me of finding out it kinda makes things uncomfortable. I dont want to re-submit cause I dont want my entry to be banned, however I would like to know what I should do, but if I ask that question I get a "virtual online" intimidating response :eek: :confused: :eek:

Joey Dee


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
pumatalk said:
Oooops sorry about that Mak, apologies.

I also read that DMOZ is not accepting any new submission as they are majorily backlogged, and i totally understand what DMOZ is, hence why I have not questioned the submission till "serveral months" went by [a few weeks to serval months - is a stated quote when you suggest a url] :) so with no way for me of finding out it kinda makes things uncomfortable. I dont want to re-submit cause I dont want my entry to be banned, however I would like to know what I should do, but if I ask that question I get a "virtual online" intimidating response :eek: :confused: :eek:

Joey Dee
Sorry if my response seemed intimidating, that was not the intent. In response to the first part of this statement, you have been grossly misinformed if you believe that new submissions are not being accepted because of some imaginary backlog. The fact is, no sites can be submitted while the editors server is being repaired. Period. There is no backlog, except in the imaginations of some SEO's and misinformed webmasters. Dmoz does not view site suggestions as a backlog, because site suggestions are but one small (and in some cases very unproductive) resource editors use to build categories. In the largest, most spam filled categories editors rarely use site suggestions to build the directory. Instead they use their own searches and other means to find sites to add. In many categories site suggestions are an integral part of the category building process, without which the category would never grow. However in an equally many (maybe more) categories those site suggestions are rendered useless by the influx of junk, garbage, spam and duplicate suggestions resulting in the editors willing to work there finding those other sources of new sites.
A site suggestion NEVER expires. Once it has been successfully delivered it will just sit awaiting a volunteer to review it. There is no way to predict when or who will perform the review. Until an editor takes an action (either move, add, reject) that site will be visible amongst all the other suggestions in that category for anyone with permissions. So there is no reason to re-suggest unless you think the original suggestions was incorrect (wrong category) or the sites focus significantly changes and in those cases doing so only once is the correct course to follow.

Hope that helps clarify a bit.


Nov 28, 2006
well said shadow,

THanks for informing me on what's going on. So i'll just sit back and hopefully everything works out :) good luck on getting those servers up and running.

My best,
Joey Dee


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Glad it help at least in some small way. Thanks for your continued patience during our down time and for your site suggestion.



Dec 1, 2006
My 2 cents

There's no gurantee, as we all know, that a site will get accepted by DMOZ. I've tried for 4 years and to no avail (2 submissions). I've always wondered why as my site has won many awards, and hosts content that's been featured on Apple.com (Editor's Pick and 3 times #1 Desktop Download) and been a recipient of Download.com's 5 star rating and Cream of the Software Crop. I even applied to be a graphic arts editor but was informed that category was 'full' and no more efitors were needed - I wonderd then why the so-called 'backlog' as I was informed 3 years ago (after waiting for a year). My site has recently recieved 'preferred member status' from a big search engine (I've been asked not to say who) due to its popularity with the public. I just wonder what it was about my site that made it fail to be accepted, and believe it had more to do with something other than category or value. The only thing I'm grateful for is that it has not affected my web rankings - in fact the search engine that must not be named was quite interested in the fact my site had been rejected.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I even applied to be a graphic arts editor but was informed that category was 'full' and no more efitors were needed
I believe that's a misinterpretation of one of our standard rejection letters, which states that the category you applied for is already well-represented or is too large for a new editor. The last point is usually the one that applies.

I just wonder what it was about my site that made it fail to be accepted
"Failing to be accepted" is not the same thing as "being rejected". If your site is listable, then the most likely reason that it hasn't been listed yet is that no one has reviewed it yet.


Oct 29, 2006
Everything you mentioned is comletely irrelevant from a review perspective.

As you correctly note, a DMOZ listing, or lack thereof, does not hinder your ability to have a good, useful, and (presumably) profitable site with great search engine positioning through naturally gained links.

The most likely reason by far is that the site has not been reviewed yet.

I even applied to be a graphic arts editor but was informed that category was 'full' and no more efitors were needed
thats an extremely selective reading of the multiple reasons provided in the standard decline letter, and is in fact the least likely one of any of them. If that particular section was the one that was the actual reason, then the second part which is something like 'or is too large for a new editor' is far more likely to be the reason.

But there were (from memory) 3 other sections to the standard letter, you need to read and understand all of them, not just pick the one you think is the correct one on a cursory reading.

(There seems to be some magic phrasing in that letter that makes people skip past the 'too large' and only read the is already well represented' )

in fact the search engine that must not be named was quite interested in the fact my site had been rejected.
That is a farcical assertation - there is no way for you as a site owner, or any search engine to knowif a site has been (as you assert) rejected. Only an editor could know if the site was declined by reading the logs, and anyone can see if a site is listed by looking at/searching the directory. If a site has never been reviewed, even an editor could not tell whether the site was waiting to be reviewed without knowing which category to look in.

Bottom line: if you have really only suggested it twice in 4 years, thanks for not spamming us, but once the system problems are fixed suggest it once again.

<too slow>
Dec 6, 2006
Thank You for Submission Information

My program - the Georgia WebMBA - has been listed appropriately in the past. We are an accredited online MBA program, similar to many others in the online education area of the site.

The Georgia Board of Regents Office of Instructional and Informational Technology, however, has been trying to get a renewed posting for nearly a year. I am trying now myself but am reaching the "technical difficulties" page. We know where we should be listed and have been there before.

Thanks for this service. I understand there is no way to accelerate the process, given resources. It would be a great value to allow entities that have previously been listed to continue to be or to be on some kind of fast-track "recognition" review. I may not understand fully the system, but that is just a suggestions for programs such as mine.

Dr. Joe Bocchi
Georgia WebMBA


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>It would be a great value to allow entities that have previously been listed to continue to be or to be on some kind of fast-track "recognition" review.

Understandable idea. But unfortunately, this is the kind of procedure that lends itself readily to global-scale abuse.

But, in any case, the ODP has no mechanism for setting any kind of global priorities, so it really doesn't matter how counterproductive any particular global priority would be.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.