I think I've done all I can do


Mar 8, 2004
Hi all. Thank you to all you volunteers who are keeping DMOZ going. I was wondering if it's normal to be waiting a year and a half. I dutifully pinged the forum every six months, and did not abuse the privilege.

At one point, an editor told me I had "one site spread across two domains," and now I'm wondering if I'm being penalized for having two related sites. I made it clear I'd be happy to have just one listed, but still no results.

I've read all the guidelines, and just can't figure out what I've done wrong. On the other hand, if it's normal to take this long, I'll continue to patiently wait. I do appreciate all the work that gets put into DMOZ.

Regards, Mrs. Linda Moran


In almost every case, it is simply that an editor has not gotten around to it yet.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The significance of the submittal date is very small, in any case. A submittal does not mean more work for us -- if the site was already published (surprisingly often NOT the case!), then the work was already pending -- the site was already ready and waiting for review. And if the site isn't already published, a submittal obviously isn't going to change anything (except the reputation of the submitter).

So: yes, a wait (counting from an arbitrary non-event) of up to two or three years is not at all unusual. And merely checking the status of a submittal doesn't change that, one way or another.
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