I think my site has been listed in an inaccurate category


Jan 4, 2005
I am new to the management of a business site which has been listed in the Open Directory now for a couple of years, apparently. This business imports and exports forest products of all types. It is currently listed through the following category string: Business: Construction and Maintenance: Materials and Supplies: Wood and Plastics: Wood Products: Veneers and Fine Hardwoods. (I also discovered there is another business out there with the very same name, also listed here!) However, my business sells much more than veneers, also sells softwoods, and sells a great deal of musical instrument wood, a niche market totally unrelated to construction. I found what I feel to be a much more logical category for this business following this category string: Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Forestry: Import and Export. An examination of businesses listed here proves my hunch.

So I guess I have a couple of questions here. Is there ever a time when editors move a site listing to another category? If a site is listed in an inaccurate category for its type of business or product, doesn't that muddle search engine results? I really feel strongly that this business listing should be moved, but maybe it doesn't really matter?

This site was also recently moved to a different hosting service. Will this affect anything?

Please advise. And thank you so much for your time!


Apr 15, 2003
Search engines do their own thing, we have no control over it, and personally I don't think it matters too much. But for people using the directory - category does matter.

You can post the url of the site here, and also the category - but please use the actual URL of the category, that we can click on. If you don't want to make it public - you can send me a private message.

Or you can go the the category where it is and use the update listing link and ask for it to be moved.


Apr 15, 2003
A quick glance seem to indicate that http://dmoz.org/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Forestry/ is primarly for raw goods and materails prior to production, such as trees, and rough cut timber

http://dmoz.org/Business/Constructi...ics/Wood_Products/Veneers_and_Fine_Hardwoods/ is for finished products, assemblies, dimensioned timber - which is what you are supplying.

I would think that trees, and cut planks prior to dressing would be in the first category, and products after that stage of processing might go in the second category.

Your site might be a better fit in the category above http://dmoz.org/Business/Constructi...and_Supplies/Wood_and_Plastics/Wood_Products/

As far as wood of interest to instrument makers and luthiers, there is no specific category for that, and that's not the bulk of your business. If there was such a categroy, it's possble an editor might allow a second listing.

You could submit to http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_Amer...s/P/Portland/Business_and_Economy/Industries/ for a second listing, but it may not be accepted without an address on the site.


Jan 4, 2005
Thank you so much for your input into this matter.

I believe that the best category for describing the business of North American Wood Products
would be Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Forestry: Imports and Exports.
Please note the site listings here. A few are much like North American Wood Products. NAWP does not manufacture wood products. They buy and sell wood (rough) and wood products. Internationally. Music wood, actually, is a major part of the business. But also Flooring. Wood for furniture. NAWP brings together a global network of wood suppliers with major wood users. Clients use North American Wood Products for their expertise in understanding wood grades, handling international sales and shipping.

So, interesting. . .then you think it is better, if there is to be only one listing, to list this business via: Construction and Maintenance: Materials and Supplies: Wood and Plastics: Wood Products?

I mean, I understand the ODP is meant to try to bring order out of chaos. But what, do you think, he/she was thinking when they created the "Wood and Plastics" collaboration. Please!

Of the Wood Products categories in the directory, NAWP handles 8 of the 10! So how can it be slotted into just one, Veneer and Fine Hardwoods? They are not a veneer mill.

I'm just trying to understand the logic of the directory here.

Again. Thanks so much for your time and attention to my questions.
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