I think my site was banned from ODP


Jun 30, 2010
Hey guys, I think I have a very useful site geared towards software development. I get compliments all the time about the content, yet I have submitted the site probably every 6 months for 5 years now, and the site is still not listed in the ODP. How can I tell if my site may have been banned? It's the only explanation I can come up with to explain the exclusion of my site from the directory.

I know the editors are busy, and I have not complained about not being included, but after so long I think something must be wrong. If for whatever reason you've decided to ban my site, just let me know and I will stop trying to add it to the ODP.

Thanks for the help.


A patient man! :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If for whatever reason you've decided to ban my site, just let me know and I will stop trying to add it to the ODP.
I do not know if your website is banned. I only know it is very unlikely as we do not ban that easy.
And I know that you should stop suggesting your website.
A website needs only ONE suggestion. That suggestion will stay in the system until an editor either lists or rejects the suggestion.
By suggesting your website over and over again you might either have slowed down the process or have waisted an editors precious time.



Jun 30, 2010
Thanks for the reply. I guess people submit their site over and over because they have zero feedback on the process. I waited 2 years between submissions, and still nothing. What is very frustrating is the lack of feedback. Honestly, I think it is a rude process. It is also highly inefficient for the ODP team as well. There should be a tracking URL so you can follow the status, and if the site was rejected a simple 1 liner to tell the submitter why would be the absolute minimum.

The whole process is maddening. It reminds me of a Soviet agency.

Sorry to vent, but there is no excuse for this and anyone that has waited as long as I have without any status probably feels the same way.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I agree that it would be a bad thing to run such a process.
But don´t worry. DMOZ has no process were you can get a website listed.
Nope. we realy do not have such a process.
We have something were everybody can suggest a website, their own or even preferably a website that not theirs.
It only means `Hi, I found this website you might be interested in`.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.