I tried to submit


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Almost certainly, the sites are either not listable, or they haven't been reviewed yet.

If they aren't listable, it's always the same reason: lack of adequate unique informational content; beyond that, it would be counterproductive to discuss it.

If we haven't reviewed the site yet, we don't KNOW whether it's listable yet. And we can't have anything to discuss yet.

That's why the FORUM policies say your question is not an appropriate subject for discussion. It's not just us: every other forum either has the same restriction, or will -- and very soon.

But if you have "tried" to submit the website as often as twice, then there is no need, no point, and no advantage to trying again -- as the submittal policy explains to all submitters. See, submittals do not force an editor to list a site (as the submittal policy explains, no site is guaranteed a listing). They do not even force an editor to review the site immediately. They merely give an editor information about what sites might be appropriate to the topic -- all editors may use that information in the way they think best.
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