I wait for registration in DMOZ 2 years without success.

Jan 15, 2007
Our company has site with unique content - <URL Removed>
We tried to submit it in DMOZ several times during 2004, 2005 and 2006. But without success.
I know rules of registration (requirements to title, description, etc) and use these rules during submission.
I tried to submit to category: Computers: Software: Networking: Remote Access
But I don't know neither status of my request nor reason of decline.

Can somebody help me to determine the reason of the problem?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> We tried to submit it in DMOZ several times during 2004, 2005 and 2006. But without success.
What do you mean? You can see if the submission was succesfull on the screen presented to you after you submitted your suggestion.
Anything after you suggested the site is out of your control and furter succes has nothing to do with you suggesting the site. The only thing that can influence the succes of a site (either being suggested or found by an editor in another way) being listed is the site and its content itself.

> I know rules of registration (requirements to title, description, etc) and use these rules during submission.
One of those rules is: suggest a site only ONCE

> But I don't know neither status of my request nor reason of decline.
Correct. And there is no way for you to get that information.

> Can somebody help me to determine the reason of the problem?
I see no problem. Or it must be your misconseption of what DMOZ is and what it can do for you.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Hi Yura
The reason for it not being listed is probably that it has not been reviewed yet.

Because there are many more categories than editors, it can be a long time before an editors checks any particular category.

Our FAQ will give you more information.

:) Suggest it to the single best category once more (it will not be regarded as spam) and you will be sure it is there. Then please do not suggest it again (it does not help) and forget us and promote your business in other ways.

Jan 15, 2007
My site is listed now.

I've contacted with editor to determine the reason of the problem and my site is listed now after long dely.
Thank you!


Jan 23, 2003
I've contacted with editor to determine the reason of the problem and my site is listed now after long dely.

Just to be clear for others who read this.

Contacting the editor of a category is highly frowned upon and does not lead to a listing or a quicker listing. In all probability, the poster contacting the editor had nothing to do with the site getting listed.

It may well lead to a delay as some editors are reportedly hardheaded enough to "accidentally" miss sites where the owners have bugged them. Of course, that may just be an urban myth. :D
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