I was listed before , why not now?

Show jacks

Sep 15, 2006
Im just wondering whats really going on. I had a site , it was accepted on Dmoz several years ago and all was well. I went through a bad divorce and had to remove my site off the internet for about 4 months. It was quickly removed from the directory(within a month) due to inactivity. I updated the site with current happenings this past january and have put it back on the web. I have submitted the site 3 times since and 4 as of yesterday and the site has been repeatedly pasted over by the editor. My question is why are there sites in my catagory that are so simular to mine and there are sites that are so very out dated and even a few that have URL's not working but mine keeps being over looked? it was fine a year ago but not now? I often wonder if the editor my know me personaly and being a very competative line of work that I am in is using their postion for personal gain? I sure hope Im wrong.:confused:
Show Jacks


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We can't estimate how long it will be before a volunteer editor takes a look at your listing suggestion. It might be days or it might be years.

One thing, I suggest that you stop repeatedly suggesting it because each new one overwrites the older one, thus keeping it at the bottom of the pool if an editor sorts it in suggestion date order.

Show jacks

Sep 15, 2006
I only have resubmitted my site after I have seen the catagory has been reviewed by the editor . How long do you suggest one wait before resubmitting again???????
Show Jacks


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
There's a lot of reasons why the "last edited" date at the bottom of a category page is changed:

* An editor fixed a typo in one of the listed descriptions
* An editor added a couple of sites that were suggested but didn't have time to look at the rest of the suggested sites
* An edditor added one or more sites that were not suggested from the outside, and didn't look at the suggested sites at all
* An editor moved a site from this category to another one (or from another category to this one)
* The category description was changed
* An automated tool went through the category looking for dead links
* ...and several other possible reasons.

Please do not re-submit, at all. There is absolutely no reason for you to do so unless the content of your site changes a lot so it should go in a different category from the one you've already suggested it to.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Show jacks said:
How long do you suggest one wait before resubmitting again?
For ever.

After you suggested a site there are a few possible situations

1) it is still waiting for review - no need to suggest it again
2) it is accepted - no need to suggest it again
3) it is listable but it was moved to a better category - no need to suggest it again
4) it was rejected - no need to suggest it again


Jun 27, 2006
4) it was rejected - no need to suggest it again

So, site once rejected are ever rejected. This is what you mean pvgool?

If it is so, an automated email can be sent so that the person may not reapply for the same site again. I dont think this will be correct. :(


Nov 6, 2002
On the automatic mail issue, I frequently see a semantic problem that leads to this and other misunderstandings. If we were inviting people to submit sites, then I would agree that an automatic mail would be a good idea if not too difficult to implement.

But we're inviting people to suggest sites, their own or, better, ones they've run across and think would be useful. It's a big difference.

Please, folks, just drop your suggestion in the box once and get on with your life. We'll look at it eventually, but don't expect an individual response to each one.


Jan 23, 2003
So, site once rejected are ever rejected. This is what you mean pvgool?

Please play nice, codetiger.

It is not necessary for every editor, every time, to list every possible consequence.

The fact is that if a site is declined for a listing, simply resubmitting it is a complete waste of time -- for everyone concerned. A site that is declined on Tuesday will not miraculously be listable on Thursday.

If, however, a site owner/webmaster makes significant changes/improvements to a site, they most certanly can resubmit -- and we will give the site an honest evaluation. This most often works when someone submits their site while it is relatively incomplete and some time later (rarely a matter of days or weeks -- more often months or years) the site is more robust with significant amounts of unique content (and is not otherwise ineligible for a listing).

If a site is declined because it is little more than a steamy pile of smelly old spam, then odds are it can never be rehabilitated, and we really don't want to see it again.

Webmasters are not stupid, nor are spammers. People who knowingly submit unlistable sites do so in the hope that it will slip through the cracks. Most honest webmaster submit and forget, because they are so busy working on and improving their sites that being listed in the ODP is secondary to building a great site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Codetiger, we don't have to speculate about what webmasters might do with a rejection note: we know, from personal experience. You don't have to take our word for it: you too can know what people will do with a rejection note -- you can get quite a fair sample of human reactions, by simply reading a few tens of thousands of threads in our archived "status check" forum.

The truth is in there. There is no reason, value, or purpose in uninformed speculation.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.