I would like to clarify something ....

Good day,

A post was made here a short while ago regarding the site http://www.florida-home-loans-fl.com The site had been submitted to the Open Directory and rejected because it's form handler feeds into the database of http://www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com (Just for the record, www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com itself was submitted over the course of a year but was never listed in the Open Directory either.)

http://www.florida-home-loans-fl.com is not a "gateway site" for home-loans-n-mortgage.com. It is an entirely different site specifically created for our lenders in the state of Florida only. To cut a long story short, employees who would've been responsible for modifying the "getinput.php" program to reflect the site name are no longer with me. I am going it alone right now and doing the best I can. There is no intended deception on my part, just a lack of technical know-how. Please let me know what I have to do to make my sites www.florida-home-loans-fl.com and www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com eligible for inclusion in the ODP. By the way, www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com was submitted to FFA sites without my knowledge and was consequently dropped from number one spots on Google and Yahoo as a result. Despite being submitted to the Open Directory on a routine basis (before the FFA situation), it was never listed. Would you please let me know the reasons why it was not listed? All input and advice is greatly appreciated.


Aug 2, 2002
It seems that www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com was deleted because it is entirely composed of boilerplate text from mortgageleadsgeneration.com. If you take a look at the "loan process" page on your site (www.home-loans-n-mortgage.com/Loan%20Process.html) you'll see that the text bears a remarkable similarity to www.ebmortgage.com/process.htm, www.loansurvey.com/process.htm, www.2nd-mortgage.home-equity-loan-less-than-perfect-credit.com/loan.htm, and all of the other "about 1,450" sites that Google came up with.

We only list sites with unique content, and the content your site is made from has been duplicated all over the web.

How interesting - I had no idea. As I stated in my earlier post, I have let employees go because of unrelated (but still unethical) business practices. One of those employees was the webmaster and these are sites that he created. I will take steps over the next week or so to amend these pages. How many are there, can you tell? Are we talking about just the one page, or does this "boilerplate text" extend across the whole site?
Does the same ring true for www.florida-home-loans-fl.com ? Any advice you have that will make these sites eligible for listing in the Open Directory is appreciated and will be acted on so please be as harsh as necessary :p Many thanks to you.


Aug 2, 2002
The entire site is made from boilerplate text.

It doesn't matter what's on www.florida-home-loans-fl.com, as that is simply a gateway to your main site. As far as dmoz is concerned, a site that targets a specific niche on behalf of a bigger site, is a gateway. We don't need to list the niche site, we can just list the main one.

Thank you for the insight! I will work on getting the main site amended and resubmitted within the next 7 days.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.