I would like to report some abuse


Jun 1, 2004
Having been an editor for about 3 months I tried to log on today and was told my site was deactivated. eh?

I know nobody here can give me information on why but I just want to express by bad feelings towards the DMOZ staff who decided upon this. After all I inherited a category which needed alot of work done to it, I spent quite alot of time going through it and editing it at best I could. To be chucked out like a piece of trash I think is very very unfair. Especially when you see some categories which are blatantly being abused.

After a couple of months I went to the forum to get my category checked to see if was editing correctly, guess what? nobody replied.

The only reason that springs to mind is that I deleted a sub category very recently in my category which maybe I wasnt qualified to do. The reason for this was that it only had a small number of sites in it, and most of these were reported as having errors on it. Therefore it would be useless for the visitors finding sites with lots of URL errors, i.e lowers the visitors view on DMOZ.

This is probably not the place to submit but I feel I have been abused and at least require an answer as to why?



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
>> "I know nobody here can give me information on why"

>> I feel I have been abused and at least require an answer as to why?

You already knew you were not going to get an answer to that so why ask?


Jun 1, 2004
I just want people to know after spending so much time editing a category they can kick you out for no reason thats all. Dont expect any thanks or anything, once you have cleaned up a category expect the same treatment.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
l234244 said:
I just want people to know after spending so much time editing a category they can kick you out for no reason thats all. Dont expect any thanks or anything, once you have cleaned up a category expect the same treatment.

I don't know anything about your situation
but I know that
1) an editor is never kicked out for nothing
2) before an editor gets removed (s)he has always receives some warning or comments
3) a decision to remove an editor is always made after carefull discussion between the meta-editors


Jun 1, 2004
Hello Pvgool, just want to point out the situation. If I had done something wrong in my category i'm sure some feedback from a meta would have been better that kicking me out. The fact that I requested my category to be checked 2 weeks prior to being kicked out and nobody replying to it, makes me feel worse because they could have told me that I was editing incorrectly. I can honestly tell everyone that I received no warning and the only comments I received was positive from a fellow editor when I asked a question about editing a second category.

I urge anyone who has the authority to look into this situation as they are losing an editor who has dedicated alot of time and effort into it. I feel I have edited to the best of my ability following the ODP guidelines, and my help is not appreciated.

It seems strange that once the category I was editing was all cleaned up I got deleted, i hope this is a computer glitch and that I am reinstated, but I do not feel this will happen.


Apr 15, 2003
First, you give a reason for your removal, and as far as I know, editors are removed without reason being given.

Second, note I have no way of seeing why you were removed, and am only a plain editor. I also of no way of seeing what if any warning you might have received.

And third I don't know your editor name for sure.

But posts like this are always intriguing, and prompt me to try and reconstruct reality. My personal conclusion, is that I think I know what editor you were, and can make a pretty good guess why that editor [maybe you] was removed. I'd traced back history on many editor removals, since it's interesting to know why this happens, and except for one case, there alwasy seems to be valid reasons.

But if you were told that information, I'm not sure how that would help. It would just lead to arguments back and forth. [And I won't discuss it through PM]

As Pvgool says, editor removal is done by consensus.


Jun 1, 2004
The reason DMOZ is in the state it is because of the power going to the head of the metas. When you first join its "all ask whatever you want whenever you want". The fact that they have treated me like a piece of trash is just an indication to would be editors to expect the same treatment.

Bobrat, I'm not asking you to believe me, just put your self in my position:
1. Applied for category
2. Accepted
3. Edited a hundred or so sites
4. Applied for category check - IGNORED
5. Login deactivated, no warning???

How would you be feeling? No changes to my category has been carried out since I left, so was the editing really poor, I dont think so.

I think its more a case of getting a lot of editors for a few months to clear up the categorys then dismiss them, to keep the numbers down.

You say you know why I was dismissed but wont pm me. If it was poor editing why didnt I get a warning, I'm sure every new editor makes a few mistakes at the start.

Anyway I have washed my hands with DMOZ, where else does volenteers get treated like this. Its been going downhill for the last couple of years and it will continue to do so if editors are treated this way.

ps I wish those 2 fellow editors who have encouraged me to stand up and say something all the best in their future editing,, you know who you are,thx



Apr 15, 2003
Hmm, I just found an old post in an SEO forum where an editor advises a site owner to use cloaking to hide his affiliate marketing. Is that abuse?
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