I would love to know, if my site was suggested without mistakes...

Ales Stanek

New Member
May 15, 2014
I know very well how important is DMOZ for me. But I have been very busy last two months... When suggesting my new site, I forgot to copy what I have written there as a description.. And now I can't sleep... I hope, that I did not misspelled something or did not do any other mistake. It is a pitty, that there does not exist some tool to enter submisson and review or something like this, while it is anyway still waiting to be checked. Or does anybody know about any way to do so? I do not want to submitt my site again as I would drop down in list back to the beginning. I speak about http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Accessories/Handbags_and_Purses/ and my web is <URL removed> Thanks Ales
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Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I know very well how important is DMOZ for me.
Hmmm. You probably mean "I think that DMOZ is important for me"
We know that such expected importance for a website or its owner is not existing.

Or does anybody know about any way to do so?
yes, I do and tell you the secret
after a website is suggested there are 3 options
1. the website is listed (you can check this yourself by searching for the domain , use format domain.tld , do not add anything in fronlt like www or hhtp and nothing at the end)
2. the website is not the kind we will ever list (you can check yourself by reading the guidelines, which you acknowledged to have doen when you suggested the website)
3. if the website is not listed and not the kind we will not list than it must still be waiting review

In all 3 cased there is never a reason to suggest the website again.
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