Idea for all the submission complaints


May 31, 2008
I have been lurking around here. I have applied to a local area this time around and I feel that now that I am medicated for my ADD I will probably be accepted as an editor :cool:

With that being said, I will most likely not join in on the complaint posts in R-Z. Some people simply do not seem to care about reading the guidelines, or they do not have the ability to for medical reasons...

Isn't there a way to screen those types of posts automatically by the forum software? Immediately removing the thread and sticking it into a blackhole category that nobody can see except for editors?

I think that all editors and metas need to immediately STOP replying to such rediculous posts and when that happens people will catch on and see that nobody cares to answer something that has been answered hundreds of times over the years. Maybe then they willl use the wonderful search button on the forum and find an answer or a few hundred to their question.

btw I applied to edit the following category under the name collusion

Hope to join the ranks soon!
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