I'm here, but is it me?


May 10, 2004
I'm here, but is it me? - to paraphrase another post here (-:

Reason for this paraphrasing is that I have / had my identity here, and then that seemed to be lost. Still now I'm here again - but is it my old self or someone else?

What happened is that when I should submit a new site to DMOZ I tried to log in as my "old self" as I have a site listed in DMOZ called Egypt MyWay
Top: Regional: Africa: Egypt: Travel and Tourism: Travel Services: Tour Operators

As I expect the correct place for the new site Norway MyWay
would be the similar category with "Europe: Norway" rather than "Africa: Egypt"?

So to make it all easier to the good editors here, I would as said log in as my old self rather than making a new identity. Problem was that I could not log in using my old username and password so I had to make a new user ID. I used my old username and password (although with my norwaymyway.com email address rather than my egyptmyway address). Getting the activation email from DMOZ I'm now logged in - but am not sure if I'm logged in again to my old identity or if this is a new? Last, if this were a totally new ID, would anyone know why I could not log in to the old one (having saved username and password)?

Sorry for bothering with such a small issue, but it would kind of be nice to know if this is me or me - LOL

Arnvid - the NileViking


May 10, 2004

Yes Bobrat, you are totally correct. Still the "funny" part is that here I am listed as "chancer - Guest" while my old profile is found cashed through google

Well its not a big issue I guess, my main reason for stressing that part was to make aware about the same "concept" of both sites although totally different destinations. Got myself registered again, and should be happy with that :)

Arnvid, the NileViking


Mar 8, 2004
Don't worry about it. My posts on the old forum show up as "Guest" without a name.

Now that you've brought it to our attention, though -- it seems to me that norwaymyway and egyptmyway are the same business, and shouldn't both be listed.


May 10, 2004
Livingstone in Norway

Hi ARubin, so we are then fellow guests in the old forum :rolleyes:

Yes, both should be listed as you say - but norwaymyway has been under development (as I want it to be real new content with own photos and articles), and I first feel now that it’s ready enough to submit to DMOZ. I would feel it wrong to submit before it had its base ready.

It will of course always develop, but the basics are there now, so I have now submitted it.

Both sites got the same "concept", still when its two different destination one can not just transfer the set-up for one site to another. Egypt as a destination is somehow far more developed for travel, while Norway is not.

Last is maybe a bit strange as Norway is one of the riches countries on this globe, but that have also resulted in a situation where we have lot and lot of tour operators sending Norwegians out of the country on holiday - while its very few tour operators helping those who want to visit Norway.

Okay, readymade cruises and some pre-made travel packages are around for those who want to visit Norway, but very little information is available for those who want to make their own individual tours. The Norwegian fjords was last month selected by 200 travel experts in National Geographic Traveler Magazine as the top destination worldwide - still for those who want to visit these fjords there are very little information available apart from some few pre-made tour itineraries.

For Egypt that’s opposite, you find tons of good information online about ancient Egyptian history, all the ancient gods, and all up to modern times and history.

For Norway one got to do all the research yourself (well that part is of course the same in Egypt) - but then in Norway one hardly got any travel professionals to consult, and one have to gather in new information and the to do the tours yourself from A to Z to get it all firsthand with documentation and photos.

As an example, only some very few of the locals was aware that it was potholes here that was unique for divers
- it took me four months to find out that a rumour about these in fact was true.

In the Hardangerfjord we have an old open cable wagon climbing an 800 meters high mountain, and it’s in fact the steepest climbing by any cable wagon in all of north Europe. I hate heights, but had to do the tour myself, as there were no photos available. So there I sat and looked down (very far down that is...) in an open cable wagon with a thin metal chain in front of me as the only "protection" - all to get this information and photos firsthand.

So arubin, its same business - but I would never have guessed that it should be so extremely different to build same "travel concept" for two different destinations.

Honestly, building norwaymyway and getting content for the site, I guess is a bit like Livingstone must have felt when he was raving around in Africa :eek:

Arnvid, the NileViking


Mar 25, 2002
I think you need to re-read what arubin wrote:
it seems to me that norwaymyway and egyptmyway are the same business, and shouldn't both be listed.
(emphasis mine)


May 10, 2004
Well that's the optimist reading - LOL

Listed or not, that's up to DMOZ policy and not me, but I have to admit that I was a bit taken back as it previously was said that both an English and a Norwegian version could be listed of the same company (as long as it was a real translation of course).

As the translation is still under process I have not submitted the Norwegian translation of egyptmyway. Its very little information about Egypt online as printed in Norwegian language, so I was happy with that statement.

We are two persons - one sitting in Egypt and myself in Norway - we work each our different location but try to present each our destination with a similar concept.

The reason we use "MyWay" as a concept is to give a similar travel concept for two totally different destinations. Of course DMOZ is highly respected for anyone who want to get the word out, but as my idea of marketing is highly influenced by the standard found among most members of cre8asite forums - I would highly appreciate (if possible) an explanation to why the focus here is on "one company" and not "two destinations"?

The way I have built the site norwaymyway (as egyptmyway) is that it should have far more edges made up of information, facts and photos than selling points. Bottom line was that I hoped that it would be the different destination information, facts and photos that shone stronger through these sites than only the "we are an tour operator" image.

As said, I'm not questioning any DMOZ policy - its more the sadness that our work is seen as "one company" more than "a new destination". Please note that the major part of norwaymyway is "free" destination information (all our content including articles and photos are not held under strict copyright rules but under a Creative Commons license).

For the record, let me add that MyWay Travel is under registration as a separate Norwegian tour operator - so we do talk about two legally different companies located in two different countries.

All that said, would DMOZ prefer that I withdraw the submitted norwaymyway request? :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
A business may be considered for listing once ... IN EACH LANGUAGE for which it has content.

As for "separate businesses" -- we find lots of people who register fifty-seven "separate businesses," but all together don't have a single employee. So we take a less legalistic, more realistic view of "business." Basically, if nobody works in a business, there isn't a business. Usually one person or group of "associated" people will be considered one business -- and we have a VERY broad concept of "associated."

Hope that clears up some of the confusion.


May 10, 2004
See your point

See your point and respect that even if I'm afraid some babies goes out with the water... I do understand the need for rules trying to cover the majority of cases rather than each exeption.

Was before local tour operator in Egypt (when living there) for some of the early hotel booking sites which all over tried to get listed for each destination, so I have seen the "separate businesses" a bit from the inside.

So although I could argue that this is not the situation in this case, and hopefully convinced you by bringing all the facts on the table - I do as said above, see the need of rules trying to cover up for the "spam" part which unfortunately still are the majority of "associated" projects.

Thank you for listening and taking the time to explain.



May 11, 2004
As a recent (yesterday) registrant to DMOZ, I was having a trawl around the forums to see what was being discussed and happened across this thread.

Now, it doesn't affect me in the least, (so why get involved, you ask) but I don't understand the bit about two sites under the same business not being eligible for inclusion in DMOZ.

Surely if each site includes good, unique information about its subject, that would be the main criterion... isn't it DMOZ's aim to catalogue (forgive the UK spelling) all that's worthwhile on the Net, whatever its provenance?

Presumably there's a rule somewhere that's escaped my attention, and I'm not disputing what was written - I'm just puzzled as to the reasoning. :confused:
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