I'm not sure I submitted to the correct catagory


Jan 23, 2003
Well, if it is only a few weeks, we won't even expend the energy to help you find it at this point, since this approach would circumvent our controls.

If you want to wait until you are certain that 30 days have passed since you made your submission, and at that time want to give us one or two likely places that you would have submitted, we'll check at that time.

If you do decide to go ahead and resubmit, write down the category and then return to this forum in 30 days and ask for a status check. Youi can reuse this thread and we will move it to the correct place at that time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't worry about it. I'd bet you did submit to the wrong category. Most people do. And editors find the right categories for all listable sites -- even the ones not submitted.

In the meantime -- a studio occupies a physical place, right? Most people overlook their local community, and yet for nearly all business or association sites, it's the most important place to be listed. Find your locality, and submit to it (or its Music subcategory if there is one.) That may turn out to be a second listing; it may turn out to be the only reasonable listing. It may even turn out to be the first of two listings. And we'll thank you ahead of time...
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