Improving my application for Editor


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
Michigan USA
I am highly interested in becoming a editor in the great experiment called Dmoz But I can not seem to get passed a generic "sorry" letter. I would really like a few "Hints" as to what to put into the application to get even a reviewers comment. I have read the guidelines and understand (I thought) the process but am still unable to Impress any one to a point to give a wee bit of feed back. Can any one let me know many (MIN/MAX) verbiage needs to be in each application box to get noticed? Do I need to explain each site I am involved in to a certain point(what point is that) Should I mention all the blogs and online communities I have been a part of? Should I explain how I built web sites or is it enough to just list them?
Its the simple questions really I know with out a doubt that I would make a great and Fair Editor I know a good site when I read it. I know a fake when I read it as well... Please please a bit of a hint please sir/madam.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Read the questions before answering them.

Two or three sentence replies are fine for the general questions. Extreme brevity tells us nothing and essays suggest that you are unable to write clear and concise summaries - a skill that editors need.

Just a complete list of URLs is fine for the associated websites unless there is some special feature/relationship that you want to highlight.

No need to mention social networks and forums unless you own or moderate them. Do mention blogs that you run.

Finally, self evaluate your application against that generic email that you received. One or more of its points will have applied to you.
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