In a mild panic because no listing for a nearly a year


New Member
Dec 22, 2011

last year I started up a cycling tour company and submitted my site to Dmoz. I read that this can take a while because it's done by volunteers and that's all OK. All my competition is included in the category /Sports/Cycling/Travel/Tour_Operators/Europe/ and I would really like to get included in order to level the playing field.

I resubmitted my site again recently. But I don't know if there is an editor for this topic or if my request is "in work". I'm already active in the Drupal community and unfortunately can't invest any more time to also become an editor.

I won't post my site here because this isn't supposed to be a spamming post! But can anyone tell me if this topic is active or not?

I'm in a mild panic because the next cycling season is approaching rapidly and I can't afford to have a year which doesn't have lots of customers!

p.s. Hi Jim, I just read your response to 'maxgames' who's post was similar to mine. I understand that this is all voluntary and appreciate the work anyone puts 'for free' back into the community. The ODP site has become really successful and of course because it's human edited a good solid reference. For me the problem is that it's skewed the market because all the competition is in here and I'd love also to be 'in'.

I know you can't give feed back on individual website queries, but it would be nice to have some insight into whether requests are in a queue which is moving, whether editors are needed for that topic etc.

Thanks for your help


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The problem is that there really is no "queue", as in a line of suggested sites that are reviewed in a specific order. Because editors choose where, how often, and on what tasks they work and are not required to review suggested sites in any particular order, the appearance is essentially random editing. As a result, it's impossible to say when someone will next be in any particular category reviewing suggested sites in general or your suggested site in particular.

Regarding whether there's a need for editors, there's always a general need for editors. And if you are looking at a category that needs work (whether it's not as complete as it could be or there are mistakes or broken links or the like), then there's probably a need for an active editor in that specific category.
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