Inactive editor, now what?


Nov 3, 2003
According to your editor guidelines, "editor accounts will expire after 4 months of inactivity."
The category I've submitted to hasn't been updated in four months.
I've already posted a site submission status and was told that it's still waiting to be reviewed along with a small list of other sites.
I'm not assuming the editor is abusing his privilege, maybe he's just busy. But after 4 months, what happens?
Now how will it be possible to have my site reviewed and added? Does another editor take over?
I hope someone can help me out. Thanks.

(sorry if I'm not posting in the right forum...I'm new to all this :confused:)


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Every category can be edited by:
1) listed editors (see below the category for the name(s))
2) Any editor listed in a category above the one
3) some hundred editors with EditAll permission who are able to edit wherever they want.

So no category is ever deserted. An editor may edit as much as he likes, process or ignore site-suggestions from the outside and spend as much of his spare time with the ODP as he wants to.

Additionally, if an editor is listed in a category, that does not prevent others from editing there, or makes the category blocked for new editors. So even if he is listed and does not edit, that won't stop us from accepting new editors into the same category.

If you want to know the what your site submission has as a status - well, lets think how the correct forum might be named... If you have found it, don't hesitate to read the "Read before posting" with some neat advice :)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Most editors are able to edit in more than one category, and the account doesn't expire until an editor hasn't made any kind of edit in any category for four months. The presence of a named editor in a category doesn't guarantee that the cat gets edited more often than a category without a named editor - there are many other factors, such as whether there are many editors in the categories above, or if it is a spam prone area, that are more important.

In any case, if the editor in question should time out, that doesn't mean your site won't be reviewed. And whether there is a named editor there or not, there is no way of telling when it will be reviewed. I'm afraid all you can do is wait, and ask like you did in the submission status forum.


Nov 3, 2003
LOL, thanks, Windharp, I did read the "neat advice" and will go back in a few weeks to check my site status again...that is, if it hasn't been added to the ODP yet. :)

If said editor has his own website listed in his cat, I understand that's just fine. BUT, if he became an editor just to add his site and then abandoned his editing that wrong? Certainly, there is no way to tell.

I've considered applying to become an editor, but I've read some posts on how much time you should expect to need in order to be a good editor...I don't think I can do it. You guys have a thankless, non-paying job... I appreciate you.

nea, I know, patience is a virtue...I'm workin on it. ;)


Jan 23, 2003
If said editor has his own website listed in his cat, I understand that's just fine. BUT, if he became an editor just to add his site and then abandoned his editing that wrong? Certainly, there is no way to tell.

There are mechanisms in place to watch for this type of abuse, and this is only one of the reasons why we start editors off in very small categories and don't allow but a few to have free roam of the directory.

I've considered applying to become an editor, but I've read some posts on how much time you should expect to need in order to be a good editor...I don't think I can do it. You guys have a thankless, non-paying job... I appreciate you.

Yes, but some of us have chosen not to have lives. The minimum requirement is one edit every four months. It is set very low to attract people such as yourself who are willing to apply, and willing to make a contribution to the growth of the directory, but wish to keep your current life more or less intact. I'd encourage you to apply for a small category and then, if you are accepted, make a small commitment -- perhaps one hour a month. We heartily welcome all editors, because we value every single site that gets added to the directory.

If you do apply and get accepted, send me a private feedback message and I'll help you during your first few editing sessions.


Nov 3, 2003
Well, it's true...I have a life...sortof, LOL.

If you do apply and get accepted, send me a private feedback message and I'll help you during your first few editing sessions.
Well, thank you very much. I'll take you up on that if/when I apply to be an editor. :cool:

Is there any way for a new category to be added somewhere? Maybe this editor doesn't think I belong in his cat?


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
The category editor won't be the one reviewing your application - it'll be a senior editor. If that senior editor thinks your application is fine then there's no reason why you can co-exist in that category with another editor. No-one "owns" a category, and any other editor who can edit there can make changes.


Nov 3, 2003
Thanks for that clarification, totalXSive. :star:

These forums are great! Y'all are so helpfull! I hope I don't bore ya with all my questions. :crazy:

What does it take or how can a new category be added?


Apr 15, 2003
New categories are usually created only when the demand requires it. If for example a category has a large number of sites, and would be improved by further subdividing it. Category creation is generally done after discussion of editors in the affected areas, together with experienced editors.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
... but if you have a strong desire for a new category and would like to edit it, you might as well send in an application for the parent category, explaining why you think one needs a category, handing in some examples for that new category and pointing out which listings from the parent category you think should be moved and why ypou think the category should be created at the place you choose.

We will discuss it and if we decide you are right, you may build that category from scratch, using the linky you pointed out as a starting base.

* That we don't build new topical categories for 2-3 sites
* That we don't build subcategories when the parent category is to small - that would just make it more difficult for the user to reach the sites.
* That we may have a better view of the ontology and for that reason see that the new category will overlap with an existing one
* That we have certain rules for naming/placement of some types of categories
* And finally: That our opinion might differ from yours, so we may decide we don't need the category for no reason obvious to you.


Nov 3, 2003
You've convinced me, windharp! I'm taking the plunge. I did a search and there are no categories for this specific subject...can you believe that?!?
So I'm going to submit an application, along with my recommendations for a new cat. I've got several sites in mind to be listed and it's such a small specialization that I'm sure it'll never get too big for a new editor.

I'm off to read the editing guidelines and forum. Wish me luck!!! :D


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You might want to mention what category you think is missing here in this thread first -- it's possible that the category you're looking already exists but you just weren't able to locate it (for whatever reason). Asking here might save you some time and energy.


Apr 15, 2003
I've yet to find an existing category for it. For a new category, if the restoration is aimed at collectors of license plates, then it would probably go under but thats for non-commercial sites

For sales: Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Exterior/License_Plates/ - in fact theres at least one waiting there now to be reviewed

If it's for car owners it might be a put under

I did some hunting around and there are a few sites in ODP, but they are in Regional categories. is listed in - note however, that Business is supposed to be for Business related services, not consumer services so thats probably ok, if they cater to both body shops and car owners.


Apr 15, 2003
What I would do is check again the description for each of the categories that you think might be a close fit. Eg. look at - each area of ODP has it's own sets of rules about what goes in, apart from the obvious. So a site that talks about whats involved in cleaning up license plates, and a site that sells the service by mail through the internet, and a store that has a walk in service may end up in different categrories.

When you think you are close, apply there, and attach an explanation, of what you are trying to do e.g. create a new category [remember to include sample URLS]. A senior editor will then decide what the best solution is. For my first category, I in fact chose the totally wrong area, but the editor who approved me assigned me the correct category based on my submission notes.

Note I am giving my own opinions about this. I'm not a senior editor, and have nothing to do with accepting editors, I just got interested in your posts.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
The category would go in...

... Recreation/ if most of the sites were about restoring license plates - how to do it, where to get the materials from, etc.

... Shopping/ if most of the sites were for companies that sold restored license plates, perhaps as collectors items.

... Business/ if most of the sites were for companies that actually restored license plates as a service.

If, of course, you can find sites for all three, then we can create three categories and link them together :).


Nov 3, 2003
Thanx, totalxsive, that does clear the fog a bit for me.

If you are truly interested in creating a new category and linking them (not a bad idea), let me know and I'll give you a few URL's that I was going to use on my application that are NOT in the ODP. (The majority of other sites listed in the ODP are of collector's sites that also include want/sell/trade lists. All are in a common area of the ODP. A few restorer's sites that are not listed in the directory also have collections, sell/trade/want lists, AND instructions about their services). Kinda makes your head spin the way they are intertwined.

I went ahead and submitted anyway, since that is the category that has one other service of this type. So now my site has been submitted twice to the original cat and now to this new cat. I hope this isn't going to be considered spamish - that is totally not my intent!

And so now I wait. I'll be patient, um, I mean I'll try. :)

I'm going to keep my editor application information just in case. I spent two hours putting alot of thought into it and filling it out as neatly and honestly as I possibly could...just in case I might apply in the future. :)

Thanx to all!


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
I'm going to keep my editor application information just in case. I spent two hours putting alot of thought into it and filling it out as neatly and honestly as I possibly could...just in case I might apply in the future.

Very wise idea. If I had to apply again I'd write it in a word processor, check it for spelling and grammar, save it, and then copy and paste the application into the browser. Then, if the application failed to submit properly, or I was rejected but told to reapply with a few minor changes then I wouldn't have to rewrite the whole thing.
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