Incorporating Search results from existing specialized Directories into DMOZ.

Larry Sellers

Apr 6, 2005

Thank you all, for all of your hard work. I know first hand that creating and organizing a useful Directory can be a thankless task.

I work for a free Resource/Directory that specializes in Media Production. We have over 90,000 listings in over 300 categories.
In comparison, in the DMOZ Directory in:
Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production you currently have about 20 sub categories and a total of about 4,500 listings.

In Media Production you have the sub category Post Production, which currently has about 5 sub categories of its own and a total of 184 listings. We have about 40 sub categories for it and about 10,000 results.

Is it possible to have a link to each of our category search results pages inserted into the appropriate DMOZ categories? In the Post Production example, could links to our results pages of those 40 categories be included in DMOZ's:
Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production: Post Production category?

Since our data is freely out there on the web there is concern that DMOZ would instead want to copy our category structure, and then use us as a temporary resource to fill your own related categories, cut us out despite the immense amount of work we have done organizing this data, and relegate us to one listing in an obscure DMOZ "Resources" category.

What are DMOZ's internal policies in this type of situation?

Are DMOZ results all submissions or do DMOZ editors scour the web and enter relevant data that other web sources have collected?

Does DMOZ ever link to other resources results pages?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond to my inquiry.



Mar 8, 2004
I don't edit in that area of the directory, but DMOZ has been known to link to list some directories, subdirectories, and (rarely) individual pages of directories. Don't suggest it yourself, though. You should suggest ONLY your main directory, and we will decide whether to list subdirectories.

We do not include search results, however.
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