Incorrect description for Making Math Real link.

Kevin Dillon

New Member
Feb 17, 2016
Our link for "Math Learning Center" is seriously incorrect and is leading to misrepresentation of our business to customers and search engine results.

It appears on such pages as the search results for keyword search "math learning center".

Current listing:

Math Learning Center - Math remediation for students in grades 1-8 conducted through the Cal Extension program.

Link is correct but everything else is in need of update. Could we change this entry to:

Making Math Real Institute - Provides comprehensive professional development courses for all parents, educators, and educational institutions for teaching our original and innovative simultaneous multisensory structured mathematics to all students, K-12.

Please let me know if this is the incorrect forum to ask for help on this or if there's some other method I should employ to get this information fixed.
Thanks in advance,
Kevin Dillon - Web Consultant for Making Math Real


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Such a request can be made on DMOZ.

Go to the category in which the website is listed.
To suggest a change to an existing listing, click on the icon at the right-hand side of the category page adjacent to the listing that has an issue, and then follow the instructions displayed.

It is not an automatic update but those request will be processed by an editor.

Kevin Dillon

New Member
Feb 17, 2016
Such a request can be made on DMOZ.

Go to the category in which the website is listed.
To suggest a change to an existing listing, click on the icon at the right-hand side of the category page adjacent to the listing that has an issue, and then follow the instructions displayed.

It is not an automatic update but those request will be processed by an editor.

Thank you for the quick reply PVGOOL. Request submitted. - Kevin
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