The description from your site, being generated in search engines when our organization (“Order Sons of Italy in America” or “OSIA”) is typed in, is incorrect and contains erroneous information. Presently, it says:
"(OSIA) National site for this fraternal order for Italian-American men. Membership information, local lodges, history, contact information, and programs."
OSIA is not predominantly a fraternal organization, and it is 50/50 men and women. Our homepage has been updated with a meta tag, so please correct your site with the description generated from the following: <url removed>
I have tried on numerous occasions to fix this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
"(OSIA) National site for this fraternal order for Italian-American men. Membership information, local lodges, history, contact information, and programs."
OSIA is not predominantly a fraternal organization, and it is 50/50 men and women. Our homepage has been updated with a meta tag, so please correct your site with the description generated from the following: <url removed>
I have tried on numerous occasions to fix this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.