Independent Amsoil dealer can't get listed after a year. Need some advice.


Jun 6, 2007
I have tried for well over a year to get listed on DMOZ with no results. Yes it's probably because I'm not submitting the perfect category but I think they are dead on when I submit. I have searched for other amsoil sites and none are listed. I have found Amsoil's main corporate website but personally I feel it's listed in the wrong category. It's listed in a multi-marketing category. Yes the dealers work this way but the companies main focus is the manufacturing of synthetic lubricants.

Anyway can some please suggest a specific category that I should try getting approved in. After about 8 to ten submissions over the last year I feel I'm just wasting my time and editors at this point.

Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
After about 8 to ten submissions over the last year I feel I'm just wasting my time and editors at this point.
You surely are. Whatever was the point in ignoring our submission guidelines which require that you suggest your site once to the one best category?

There are three possible situations here.

1. No volunteer has yet volunteered to evaluate your website.
2. It's not the sort of website that we list and so it's been declined.
3. Your enthusiasm has triggered our spam threshold and the site has been banned.

We don't know which applies in your case, and even if we did, we wouldn't tell you.

Bottom line: Stop suggesting that we list your website and concentrate on additional promotional methods.
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