Independently Owned/Operated Franchises?


Apr 17, 2004
I just wanted to say thanks to all those who helped me locate the editorial guidelines! I've been through them thoroughly, and now I have another question. I found the section about multi-level marketing, but nothing about different, regional, independently owned-and-operated franchises. I feel the two types of situations are quite different, but fear the one might be confused for the other.

My franchise has a brick-and-mortar presense serving a specific geographic area, and has its own events, policies, staff and pricing. This information constitutes the bulk of my website's content. I would want to be listed in a regional category.

So, my questions are two:
1) Does DMOZ have an official policy towards independent franchises, i.e., considering them either (a) the same as multi-level marketing or (b) different?
2) Obviously, if (a), then there's no reason for me to submit my site to DMOZ, but if (b), then do I need to worry about whether editors will mistakenly perceive my site as (a)?

Again, many thanks to those who've helped!

P.S. I'm not providing a specific URL or any particulars because my sense is that the more editors know about those specifics, the less they are permitted by the guidelines to say. If there are some more specifics I can offer to help answer my questions, I'd be happy to provide them.


Mar 26, 2002
In the general terms you have provided the site is still not disqualified by the mlm section of the guidelines. The fact that you have your own brick and mortar location (where people can actually come in and buy something), and your own staff (meaning you likely hire people in the area) makes the site, in the general terms you have described not disqualified by anything you have said so far.

Pretty much from this point on I believe the decision would be made on the amount of UNIQUE and USEFUL content on the site.
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