Information Channel based Site


Dec 18, 2004
We have a website similar in nature to Channel based website About or suite101.

The category Editor for Society/Advice/ is not available. This category is best suited for our website concept and especially for the homepage. We have submitted our website on 02nd October 2007 then on 06th Nov 2007 and also given a feedback on 06th Nov 2007 to Category Editor one above the hierarchy.

We would also like to include our 10 more important Information Channels Page into few other categories like:



I would like to follow DMOZ website submission guidelines, so that submitting multiple Channels page doesent looks like we are doing any sort of Advertisement. This site is all about giving advice and guidance to people on various subject by expert guide. Every Channel page consist of its own Moderator/Guide with its own forum, own articles, own videos.

Please Advice.



Oct 29, 2006
To correct a few misunderstandings
The category Editor for Society/Advice/ is not available.
The fact there is no named editor does not mean no one edits there or that no editor is available to edit there.
This category is best suited for our website concept and especially for the homepage.
Then that's where you should suggest your root url.
We have submitted our website on 02nd October 2007 then on 06th Nov 2007 and also given a feedback on 06th Nov 2007 to Category Editor one above the hierarchy.
Why? Suggestions do not expire (barring hardware problems as we had in 2006). If you have suggested it once that should be sufficient. Suggesting again in case of technical error is OK, but give it a while to see if it is listed (6 months at a minimum). Continually resuggesting a site will eventually be considered spamming.
We would also like to include our 10 more important Information Channels Page into few other categories
Please do not suggest deeplinks of your site, ever (unless specifically asked to do so). Deeplinks (linking to sections of a site) are done only at edtor discretion, not by multiple suggestions of the website owner/webmaster. If an editor believes the site should have content rich sections deeplinked in multiple categories they will internally flag the site for such listings.
I would like to follow DMOZ website submission guidelines, so that submitting multiple Channels page doesent looks like we are doing any sort of Advertisement.
Following the guidelines means not suggesting the 'multiple Channels pages'. Suggest the main url, once, to the single best category. (which it appears you have already done)

By the way, is listed in
suite101 is listed in


Dec 18, 2004
Dear Sir:

Thanks for your reply.

gimmster said:
The fact there is no named editor does not mean no one edits there or that no editor is available to edit there.

Yes, I agree :). Thanks.

gimmster said:
but give it a while to see if it is listed (6 months at a minimum)

FYI, I am not a Owner of this site. I am webmaster doing my duty even on weekend. I just follow what is written, Sometime I wonder how many new websites get created (go LIVE) everyday (I have no stat available for this) and how many New Site Suggestion get submitted by owner/webmaster for a category in DMOZ. Why this question come in my mind, as because in few of the Categories, site listings are more then one year old and not a single site being added over there during that period. So looking to this, even, on average, if I assume, 10 sites requested for inclusion in one DMOZ category in a single day, being a Category "Passionate" Expert Editor, it will take hardly 10 miunte to get entire review of a website along with a proper background check. This I have written just with my own interest (a curiosity) to know about how it works.

gimmster said:
Continually resuggesting a site will eventually be considered spamming.

I know this before so I keep a gap of 1 month ( . Still, I will definitely keep this in mind so that I resubmit after 6 months.

gimmster said:
Please do not suggest deeplinks of your site, ever (unless specifically asked to do so). Deeplinks (linking to sections of a site) are done only at edtor discretion, not by multiple suggestions of the website owner/webmaster. If an editor believes the site should have content rich sections deeplinked in multiple categories they will internally flag the site for such listings.

Thanks for your Advice. Now its very much clear :) This is also one more area which I was curious to know for many years. If you see, ABOUT and just few other popular sites, they allowed to create their own pages in DMOZ. I think the theory goes same like what you explained above, "done only at editor discretion". Thanks again for the explanation.

gimmster said:
By the way,...listed in...URL...Directories

You have rightly pointed out. I took 20 days ONLY to think, what will be the right place for our website in DMOZ. Did lot of searching as well as few research work in both this sites as well as in DMOZ.

Question Come in my mind about our site:
  • is it a Search Engine: Never.
  • is it a Directory Site (like I referred you two sites): NO. Its wrong to declare a site as "directory site" if it only got many sub domain names a references. ‘About’ and ‘Yahoo’ are two examples, its not a directory site but more then that (a portal ?) and I think, that’s the reason both of them separated at top at, with its "own space". If you follow, Society > Advice, it is also listed over there at top in the above give URL.
  • is it a Internet References/Resources site like Somewhat but not really. We do not “only” give answer to a questions but more then that.
  • is it a Social Networking Site for Writers (connectivity driven, web 2.0): Yes but not really that. We do not belive in SN or W2 hype. We are working on our site to give it a shape from where society get real help from Experts with little bit of colors (though it is 508), rather then only trying to show them, how modern our site is, using ajax.
  • Is it a Accessibility, Section 508, Usability, Web Standard site: Yes but not only that.
  • Is it a site which only gives Advice via, Articles, Video, Forum, Directories, Ecommerce: I think so (looking for your advice). This site is being created for society, their problem and giving them a solutions.

As you can see, I am little Confused. Please Advice.

Once again, thanks for your time, I hope you didn’t mind my English. Looking forward to your advice once more.

With Regards.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
webcrawler said:
Originally Posted by gimmster
Continually resuggesting a site will eventually be considered spamming.
I know this before so I keep a gap of 1 month ( . Still, I will definitely keep this in mind so that I resubmit after 6 months.

The instructions you quote say

Please only submit your site one time.

And gimmster's post said

Suggestions do not expire (barring hardware problems as we had in 2006). If you have suggested it once that should be sufficient. Suggesting again in case of technical error is OK, but give it a while to see if it is listed (6 months at a minimum).

Rephrasing this:
There is almost never a reason to suggest a site more than once, at all, and does not say or imply that you should do that. Not once a month, or once a year. However, site suggestions have sometimes fallen victims to technical bugs. That is why you were told that it can be ok to send in another suggestion after 6 months, in case the first suggestion didn't make it. Since you have already suggested it twice, there is definitely no need to suggest it again in 6 months' time.

I understand that you care about having the site listed, and it's good that you have considered which category is the best one before sending in the review suggestion, but you should realise (for the sake of your own peace of mind) that there is nothing else you can do to get the site reviewed. What you do when you suggest a site is just that - you make a suggestion to the editors that they review the site and list it in the directory. But when the review will happen is not something you can influence, other than by finding the best category - which you have tried to do already. So the most constructive thing for you to do would be to forget about the ODP as far as this site is concerned.


Dec 18, 2004
We are same boat brother, its a pasion for a work which matters, though I am not sure who you are and which place you are from and what is your role in DMOZ. You given me reply within 2 minuite or less of my posted answer and the word which you express, I admire. I am in the industry much earlier then dot com boom. Its my love for DMOZ, Yahoo, Google, Altavista, STPT etc. which forced me to write all these today beside my main topics :). I am less bother about my website.

Why it took so long to get a site listed ? Please answer.

(reply time 1 Min or before as an individual)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
ODP is a volunteer organisation and editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. They are hobbyists.

We have no system to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do which means that time scales are both uncontrolled and uncontrollable. We neither claim nor attempt to provide a service to website owners.

As nea has already pointed out, you've suggested your website and we'll deal with it in time. Meanwhile, concentrate on other means of promotion and on making your website even better. If an ODP listing is going to happen, it'll happen when it happens. Nothing that you can do will speed up the process. OTOH, there are plenty of things you can do that could slow it down. Best not eh?


Dec 18, 2004
Promotion is not for what I posted topics in dmoz. I put few question for gimmster to answer about "Channels" where I have serious doubts and need few advice. Answer is not yet very clear.


Dec 18, 2004
jimnoble said:
I was merely responding to your Why it took so long to get a site listed ? Please answer.

This question is not for my site for which I posted this topic. Its for my own curosity, in general :)
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