"/" Instead of ".com"

Nov 1, 2005
Hi, I have noticed that on most search engines my website is also being shown as a website using "/" as the prefix and not the .com - .net or so on as it should be. I have also noticed that many links that are listed for instince under google using the "/" as my prefix are websites that have some tipe of DMOZ information on them. (Not All Directly Though) Any Ideas on why this would happen and even why there are listings being shown as,

Just Asking


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what you're talking about (and doing some test searches didn't enlighten me), but it really doesn't matter. The website you mention is listed in the ODP with the ".com" extension, just as it should be.

And beyond that, whatever you're wondering, it has to do with search engines. Now, the search engines don't talk to each other -- each one of them shows listings in its own way for its own reasons. So you'd have to individually ask each one its reasons -- and we here wouldn't know any of those reasons. So beyond getting a listing right here (which was apparently already done), we really can't tell.


Apr 15, 2003
In another thread, in another place, it was suggested that your problems are either with Google or your hosting service. It's not an ODP problem, so it seems was cannot help you, sorry.
Nov 1, 2005
Can I ask You This?

Can I ask why DMOZ lists websites as "palmtreeamerica.com" but then points to "www.palmtreeamerica.com"?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That site ISN'T listed that way. What site (or sites) are you talking about?
Nov 1, 2005

So if I search for a domain name like "www.palmtreeamerica.com" including the "www." portion, dmoz shows the site as a listeing?


Jun 8, 2005
DMOZ search is configured so that in order to search for a site named www.example.com you have to drop the www. and just type example.com - however, the actual listing is www.example.com

Try a few searches at www.dmoz.org and see how it works - understand however, that in some cases the URL does not have the www after the http.


Jun 8, 2005
palmtreeamerica said:
Is it fair to say that some search engines, "Example - Google" use the discription listed in DMOZ as a reference to context-sensitive or topic-sensitive information describing a website?
Wouldn't this be better asked at a forum that answers questions about google rather than here? We really have no idea why google does what it does, however, if you want to talk about why/how DMOZ categorizes websites, we can probably answer that.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Sorry that we could not be of help in the ".com" replaced by "/" issue. You don't seem to be satisfied with our answer, so please enlighten me: What else could we have said if we don't know the answer to your question?

Asking us about a problem with Google is like asking your bakery why your supermarket does not offer beef. While the bakery might supply bread to the supermarket, there are a lot of things going on in the supermarket the baker knows nothing about.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is absolutely absurd to say that Google could possibly be getting a URL like "http://palmtreeamerica.com" from the ODP, since neither that URL or anything that could possibly be transformed into that occurs anywhere on dmoz.org!

But it is fair to say that any problem relating to differences between the content of "http://example.com" and "http://www.example.com" can be resolved (easily, definitively, and universally) by the ISP. If THAT'S the problem, and your ISP is telling you differently, then you need to go look for an ISP with a clue (and a bucket to carry it in!)

Well, perhaps that's not quite "fair". But it IS being EXTREMELY charitable to the ISP involved.
Nov 1, 2005
Absurd Yes - I never said it was coming directly from DMOZ

I am glad you said something about my ISP. I talked to them last night and they enlightened me on this issue. I am sorry to have bothered you with this matter, I was only trying to get some ideas or help on this matter. If you don't mind me asking, I would like to get your input on who do you think would benefit from the urls shown when you enter this into the google search?

And do you think it would be a good idea for me to pay alot of money to some company or person to get the search engine positioning that I know I already should have?

Again, just asking, seems you guys know alot more about this kind of stuff then I do.

Thanks Again for your help :)

Oh ya, this may help if you would like to find the url listed.

Thanks Again
Nov 1, 2005
Let Me Clarify

I would like to add that I thought it would be a good idea to bring this matter to your attention. Though this is not a direct result of DMOZ, alot of the sites that show up as links under this bogis domain name, http://www.palmtreeamerica/ are getting there information from DMOZ feeds. Also most links listed here DO NOT show up under our real domain name http://www.palmtreeamerica.com as links pointing to our REAL website. I wouldn't even think a second if it was just one or two websites being listed under the "/" bogis domain name, but there are many sites with information being fed from DMOZ listed.

I would also like to point out that if you go to any of the websites listed in the exact category that our website is listed in DMOZ, you will find the same exact links, (DMOZ FED SITES) correctly listed in under there websites as links pointing to them in google. You will not find more then a couple listed correctly under our true domain name. They are mostly listed under this bogis domain, http://www.palmtreeamerica/ (Without a .com .net .tv .biz)

This may seem as just a minor thing to most websites, but it does make a big difference to our webiste because these links would help as far as website postioning in google and other search engines.

It doesn't take a genis to figure out that something isn't right here. Agian I thought it would be a good idea to bring this to your attention.


Apr 15, 2003
I really have no understanding of what you are trying to say.

Though this is not a direct result of DMOZ,
In which case, we have no control of it.
are getting there information from DMOZ feeds.
I see no indication that any DMOZ feed has your domain without a .com, please clarify.
I would also like to point out that if you go to any of the websites listed in the exact category that our website is listed in DMOZ, you will find the same exact links,
This makes no sense, there are only two other sites listed next to yours. And it's the same in the Google copy http://directory.google.com/Top/Reg...Cape_Canaveral/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/
would help as far as website postioning in google and other search engines.
You have to ask Google why they do what they do.
It doesn't take a genis to figure out that something isn't right here.
Maybe it does, since I have no idea what you think is wrong

P.S. You might ask http://www.justpainting.info/pages/painting-tree-on-wall.html why they have you listed without a .com


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
As has already been pointed out, that isn't an ODP problem. Your site is listed appropriately in the ODP. This forum can't help you with problems with Google or other search engines/directories.

I'm closing this thread because this is beyond the scope of this forum.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.