Internal Search Bug: Site has been 14 days on ODP but ODP Search doesn't list it


Jan 8, 2005
My site has been listed in ODP since December 26 (25?), according to FAQ it should take about 2 days for it to come up in ODP Internal Search, but it hasn't yet.

My category editor (World/Português/Regional/América do Sul/Brasil/Educação/Auxílio nos Estudos) told me it's really uncommon and there must have been some bug with the Search spider, which we both hoped would soon be solved.

Yet, now it's been 14 days (and counting) without my site being found by ODP Internal Search.

My worries are:
a- Without being indexed by the internal search can it still be indexed by Google?
b- Has anybody else had this kind of problem or I've been the only one?
c- If so, if it was not a bug, just a hiccup which made the spider ignore my site, how can it be indexed after all?

Many thanks to anybody who can provide me some info.


Sep 11, 2003
a: Yes. The search feature is one for the ODP's directory only and does not influence or impact those who choose to download copies of our data (just like Google does). They have their own search facilities for the data.

The answers to everything else may be found within the FAQ linked from every page. See Why can't I find my site when I use ODP search?


Jan 8, 2005
"Why Can't I Find My Site When I Use ODP Search?" FAQ (I admit I hadn't read this one before) lists some reasons like we may have typed keywords which are not in the site description here (which is not the case). Besides this, it says that it may take more than one week for the site to be indexed (which may be the case).

But the reason I got so worried was that another FAQ ( stated "If your site was recently added to the directory, it will may take a day or so for it be included in the search index for DMOZ." (sic)

Anyway, thanks a lot for your prompt help, just knowing that the internal search mechanism has no impact in any external search is already a great relief for me!
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