Is 1 years long enough to add my site?

May 18, 2007
Seems like two is should be enough time to add my site. There are no reasons on my site why it should not be included. Every 4 months I try a different category, assuming that I submitted to the wrong one. Maybe I have an inactive editor. How can I find this out?
<url removed> :confused:


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Welcome to Resource Zone william79chang!

Every 4 months I try a different category
That is what we call 'spamming'. Please stop that. According to the submission guidelines you have agreed to with every submission, please submit to the most apropriate category only.

Seems like two is should be enough time to add my site.
Please see FAQ: How long until my site will be reviewed?.


May 13, 2007
william79chang said:
Seems like two is should be enough time to add my site.

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few years to get listed, some sites may never get listed. You have to remember that ODP editors are volunteers, this is not a full time job. Editors edit in their assigned categories only as they have the time and the inclination to do so. You also have to realise that reviewing suggested websites is not the only task editors have. ODP does not, and never has, given a suggested amount of time for the review of a website.

william79chang said:
Every 4 months I try a different category

I think you may have found the reason why you haven't been listed. We ask that you suggest your website once (and only once) to the most appropriate category. If you do make a mistake and submit to the wrong category then an editor will eventually move it to the correct place. This will increase the time it takes to get listed but it will still get reviewed. Submitting multiple times to multiple different categories will only serve to get you flagged as a spammer and make it harder to get listed, not easier.

william79chang said:
Maybe I have an inactive editor.
Categories do not 'belong' to a single editor. Editors simply get granted editing privledges to categories. Anybody can edit in the categories they have permissions for AND all of the subcategories below it. This means that although one (or no) editors may appear as the listed editor there will be many, many more editors who will be actively editing there.

william79chang said:
How can I find this out?
You can't. We can't and won't discuss the review status of individual websites in this forum. This announcement explains why.
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