Is 8 month not enough to gat an answer from DMOZ?


Aug 14, 2008
I have submitted my <repetitive keywords removed> web-site <URL removed> once more than a year ago and re-submitted it about 8 month ago in order to make sure that it was submitted to right place in the directory, however nothing has happened. My web-site doesn’t need DMOZ for search engine rankings; <various keywords removed as unnecessary to the post> has tens, if not hundreds of top 20 search engine rankings, over 6000 search engine referrals a month and thousands of unique visitors . The web-site has been voluntarery added by educational and government web-sites so it is good enough to be added to DMOZ. I want to know what is going on. Is more than eight month not enough time to consider a web-site? And if whoever is in charge of the category for <repetitive keywords replaced with category link> is on up an up? Something is not right.


Jan 23, 2003
I want to know what is going on.

What going on is quite simple, you have done your part by suggesting the site. There is nothing else you need to do. At some point in time (and it is impossible to determine how long that takes) it will get reviewed by an editor.

Is more than eight month not enough time to consider a web-site?

It is not uncommon for wait times to exceed two years.

And if whoever is in charge of the category for Las Vegas real estate is on up an up?
No one, repeat, no one is in charge of that or any other category. There are volunteer editors who have permission to edit in that category and there are several hundred editors who can edit anywhere in the directory.

Something is not right.

I can think of two things that are not right immediately: your understanding of what DMOZ is about and your expectations.

DMOZ is not a listing service for webmasters.

You made a suggestion. That suggestion was put in a pool with others and will be looked at eventually. No promises were made with regards to timeline, no commitments were made with regards to a listing.

I can tell you a few other things: that Las Vegas real estate category is a sewer in terms of suggestions. You have industry colleagues who very aggressively spam the directory with cloaked sites, mirrors, fake addresses and the like (so much for real estate industry ethics). It is as bad as some shopping categories. You have a lot of real estate agents with offices outside of the city of Las Vegas who suggest their sites to the Las Vegas category in direct contravention of the rules for suggesting a site. Many editors who normally don't have a problem doing real estate sites shun the Las Vegas category for that very reason. When I was an active editall who specialized in Regional and live in the Southwest, that category was a perennial mess.

Bottom line: An editor will look at your suggestion eventually. In the meanwhile, you might want to take a peek at the special guidelines in place for real estate sites (made necessary by those wonderfully high real estate industry ethics).

My web-site doesn’t need DMOZ for search engine rankings

Good, then you have no reason to get uptight.


Apr 5, 2004
Hello masouds
I'm afraid we don't discuss specific websites here, as you can read at the top of this forum.

You will find an answer to your question in the forum FAQ, specifically this one: "How long until my site will be reviewed".

Thank you for suggesting a site for volunteers to review. One of them will do so in time. :)

[Added: Darn speedy spectregunner beat me to it. ;)]


Aug 14, 2008
Thank you for the responses, here is my answer

I know that DMOZ answers to no one and started this thread out of spite, now I am glad that I have started it a lot of interesting comments in answer to my post so let’s go over them
“I can tell you a few other things: that Las Vegas real estate category is a sewer in terms of suggestions. You have industry colleagues who very aggressively spam the directory with cloaked sites, mirrors, fake addresses and the like (so much for real estate industry ethics). It is as bad as some shopping categories. You have a lot of real estate agents with offices outside of the city of Las Vegas who suggest their sites to the Las Vegas category in direct contravention of the rules for suggesting a site. Many editors who normally don't have a problem doing real estate sites shun the Las Vegas category for that very reason. When I was an active editall who specialized in Regional and live in the Southwest, that category was a perennial mess.”
In response I will discuss a few points.
1: Most real estate agents could not design a web-site if their life depended on it, they out source it to web-designers and although I would be the first to admit there are unethical real estate agents, this problem is squarely on their web-designers and not them. When I caught another Las Vegas Realtor stealing my blog posts, the guilty party turned out to be a web-designer in England; you are more than welcome to read about it in my blog. So turning the category to Sewer should not be blamed on internet illiterate real estate agents, it is on web-designers.
2: “Many editors who normally don't have a problem doing real estate sites shun the Las Vegas category for that very reason”. This is “stereotyping”. I am amazed that prejudice exists even in an organization that was “designed” to bring people together. So the good burns with the bad, ha.
3: “My web-site doesn’t need DMOZ for search engine rankings, “Good, then you have no reason to get uptight.” Like I wrote before, I am not uptight; I did it out of spite and the reason is that although I need DMOZ and thank GOD I don’t. Being listed in DMOZ gives an advantage to those sites that are listed in DMOZ and given the answers to my post “fairness doesn’t have anything to do with it”. DMOZ is reflection all that is ill with our world today.
Having said all that, I still appreciate the responses to my post. It was eye opening.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Well, since you started the thread out of spite (and in order to bitch about the ODP) rather than to actually learn anything, you won't mind when I close it.

Thanks for sharing.
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