Is any editor responsible for the Ramana Maharshi category?

Michael James

Dec 25, 2006
I submitted both my website and my blog to the Ramana Maharshi category ( in January, but they have not yet been included in this category.

Is any editor responsible for this category? How can I contact someone to find out why my sites have not yet been included?

Both my sites are very relevent to this category, and they contain a lot of material that is potentially useful for anyone wanting to learn about the philosophy and practice of Ramana Maharshi's teachings, including translations of his original writings and the writings of his close disciples, and PDF copies of several books on his teachings. Therefore I can see no reason why it should not be included in this category.


Oct 5, 2007
I submitted both my website and my blog to the Ramana Maharshi category ( in January, but they have not yet been included in this category.

There’s no guarantee that your submission will appear in the directory however I can confidently say it can take from a few hours to a few years for some sites to be reviewed.

Is any editor responsible for this category? How can I contact someone to find out why my sites have not yet been included?

There are no fixed people responsible for editing a category as editing can be undertaken by anyone that has the relevant permission, so the category you’re suggesting too could be edited by any number of volunteers.

The FAQ might help you understand things further
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