Is deleting of my earlier submissions possible?

Silent dude

May 22, 2005
Earlier this year I submitted and to dmoz.

I kind of lost track of the submissions (I had copies of my submission on my harddisk .... but it died on me 3 weeks ago :( - no back up - stupid me! 6 GB of family pictures lost forever - The wife is NOT happy ! )

But I think I submitted to (http:/

and to (

In frustration over not seeing the sites beeing listed I submitted again ... I don't remember the categories .... but guns related !


The thing is - since submitting some months ago I have been reading up on the submission guidelines ... and know I did something wrong when submitting again....

Furthermore the selected categories are not the best / most correct categories ..

So my question is .... can you erase my submissions? please ...

Sounds like a silly request ... who doesn't want to be in dmoz ?? But I would very much like to re-submit both in therms of categories, Titles, descriptions ... the works ! ...

I know I can request a change in my submissions after 6 months ..... but I would rather have the correct categories and description from day one.

I don't know why the websites haven't been added to dmoz yet ... its been 3-4 months now ..... And I can see that asking for submission status is not an option anymore (I'm 2 days to late .... !!)

If you ... (category editors) want to add the submissions 'as is' then ok ... I'll request a change later on ... but starting over I think would be best for all parties !


Silent dude (making noise)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
There is no need for these actions.
If you suggested your site in a category which the editor thinks isn't the proper place to list the site he will move it to the right category.
Suggesting a site to several categories will very probably slow down the review proces and in extreme cases could get your site banned.
The only thing you can do is wait. Just wait.


Aug 2, 2002
Two related URLs will not get separate listings so don't be expecting both to be listed if that is the case.

Silent dude

May 22, 2005
Not related ....

The two sites are not related such

I own the one site my self .... I'm the owner for the company

On Im just the webmaster ... I helped the owner to make the site and does some updating for him .... ANd told him I try to get the site on dmoz ....

The only relation is the fact that I buy some of his products ... thats how I know the guy !



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Silent dude said:
The two sites are not related such
I own the one site my self .... I'm the owner for the company
On Im just the webmaster ... I helped the owner to make the site and does some updating for him .... ANd told him I try to get the site on dmoz ....The only relation is the fact that I buy some of his products ... thats how I know the guy !...

I do not edit in this area of the directory, so the following are just my opinions.

In terms of being related: lists as a Distributor, which makes a strong case towards that site being an affiliate. Both sites link back and forth to one another, another sign of an affiliate relationship. In the end it will be up to the reveiwing editor to decide if either or both are acceptable for a listing.
In all probability, only one will be considered for a listing but again I do not edit in that area of the directory. The reviewing editor may feel differently and decide they both deserve some consideration somewhere.

Silent dude

May 22, 2005
Links between sites .....

If linking between websites has the effect that only one of the sites can be listed on dmoz ...... there wouldn't (couldn't ??) be any websites listed on dmoz ....

Two different companys ..... two different owners ..... links between the sites because the companys buys products/services from each other ...

.... is it a problem for listing in dmoz ...... I hope not .... :confused:


Two different companys ..... two different owners ..... links between the sites because the companys buys products/services from each other ...

.... is it a problem for listing in dmoz ...... I hope not ....

In very broad brush terms (not referring to any particular site):

This is a problem where the primary purpose of a web site is to sell products.

It is not where the primary purpose is to promote the business.

In a lot of cases sites are built with the first aim, and completely neglect the second. It should be patently obvious that where there are 2 companies selling the same line of product, only one can be unique, so it's hardly worth listing the second.

However where the site concentrates on the business (what you do for money, where you physically are located, what interaction you have with your community, who you employ, what you manufacture, what do you sell that no one else does, how many years have you been doing it, what are your opening hours, how customers can complain about service/faulty goods...need I go on?), the site may be listable (at the very least in the Location of the business) because that should be unique.

Disclaimer: I edit in Regional, so my views are mostly from that perspective. The more the site can convince me it has significance to the community, the more chance it has of being listed. The more it convinces me it is a reseller of someone elses products, and has no interaction to a community, the less likely it is to be listed.


Silent dude

May 22, 2005
When you put it like that gimmster ... I still don't see the problem !

The (general) conditions you describe gimmster i can totally relate to ... they make sence ...

My own company ... does ALSO promote sales BUT I still think we offer something unique ....... The unique thing I manufacture and sell is the special adaptors ... few people in the world make them ... (I can't even mention one ... !! ... but I've seen simular products otherwhere - not on the web mind you ) ... My main reason for existing is the compressed air systems and the development of airguns .....

..... then take a look at .... and remember ... I just made the site for the owner ...

He is one of the best producers of silencers / sound suppressors in the world .... and thats what he does ... nothing else ... !!!

The web sites basically have one objection to both of us .... yes you guessed it ... to promote our business.... doesn't sell anything online ... and have no private sales ... everything is about making people interested in silencers ... when gunshops around the world have heard the request for his products enough times ... they contact him .... that how he makes his living...

Basically I have the same business concept on my site ( .... the shop is all about making people interested ... then dealers and manufactures contact me ..... and I can make a living ...

... I think an editor would see all of this if he where to visit the sites ... or should see ..... so it must be my submissions that is 'faulty' !!!


I don't see the problem .... besides the fact that I knew too little about dmoz when I tried to have the sites listed earlier .... my lack of knolledge made me suggest the sites .. and some other domains hi ( owns ..... more than once .... And yes that my mistake ......

.. generous linking between the sites is not a mistake ... and not any different that links on any other website in the world ...

I'm not trying to abuse the dmoz directory ...

I'm being honest about my mistakes...

I feel that my site has some thing unique to offer ...

I know that has something unique to offer ....


Can a category editor (guns, airguns guns accessories etc..) give me a straight answer ....

Fair enough .. I don't know if any editor have even looked at the sites yet .... but with the long wait in mind ... someone must have seen the sites and the submissions ... If so ... how can you .. ( the volentary editors on dmoz) have the editor look at this thread (I belive this forum is the only way the seek redemption for any wrongdoings ... )

I'll keep waiting ... hoping for inclusion in the directory
.... but based on my experiences .... expecting nothing from you !!!


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
but with the long wait in mind ... someone must have seen the sites and the submissions
Not necessarily. Only a few days ago I processed some sites that were suggested in 2001, and by all accounts no editor had looked at them. It's not about the site or how long since you suggested it - it's about the category and whether an editor is interested in editing in it.

There is no way to make an editor review a particular site. When the review happens, it will happen; we don't know when it will happen and make no promises about the length of time. So expecting nothing is a very wise attitude - you have suggested your sites, now forget about dmoz, since there is nothing more you can do to make sure your sites are reviewed. Whether one of them, or both, or neither, will be listed is a matter for the reviewing editor, who will look at the situation based ONLY on what s/he sees on the sites, and not at all based on this thread.

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