Is DMOZ accepting new sites


Jan 30, 2007
I have submitted my site 18 months ago, 7 months ago and again a couple of weeks ago. I went through the submission guidelines and selected what I think is a proper category for our business given the fact that our competition is in the same category and that we sell to this quadrant. However, during a recent review, I see our site is still not accepted. I was wondering if my expectations are too high, the backlog is too long or just how am I to proceed in getting my site reviewed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you-


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you're expecting that there will be a way you can "get" some other volunteer to review your site more quickly, then your expectations are too high. The site suggestions are there to help the other volunteers find sites that fit their priorities, not to impose other priorities on them.

The "backlog" of sites to review is the whole internet. It's large enough for many more volunteers to explore. And anything in it is "fair game" for any volunteer to review.

The way to get a site reviewed is basically (1) make sure it's a compelling presentation of unique information about an interesting topic, then (2) make sure the editor can find it. You've taken care of part 2, by suggesting the site to a relevant category. (That is a help, it may not be all that much of a help, but it's all you can do to help, at least so far as that site goes.)

How about part 1? Unique information is easy, if you have it: just post it. Compelling presentation basically means "we can find it, and recognize it as unique" (in other words, we're easy but not omniscient).

How about "interesting?" That depends on the people who are volunteering today. And who knows what'll interest them today? That's the really random (that is, uncontrollable and unpredictable) part. The only common factor is that they're curious people, accustomed to look for authoritative answers.


Jan 30, 2007
Hutcheson -
I completely understand that your and the other moderator's task is a daunting one to say the least. One of the things we do is publish press releases and downloadable information regularly. These are unique to not only our company but discusses how our clients have succeeded in the hopes that others will learn. Is this the type of content your editors look for and qualify as unique?

Many thanks-


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I imagine there are comparatively few editors who deliberately seek out corporate press releases.

But information, in whatever form, about a unique business person (or a group of people operating together as a corporate business)--that is, who they are and what they'd do for money--is uniquely authoritative if it comes from the person or people most knowledgeable about that subject, which would of course be the people themselves.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.