is dmoz dead or the editors dead?


Mar 16, 2007
i submit a well rich content url every year once now over four years no status no comments nothing is the editors no longer active and looking for websites? i think at least a fair reply , save the list of submissions getting bigger and bigger it has been a dream now a days to get into dmoz , iam going to be cheeky and ask if there any one could help me figure what is wrong with the site over 2 millions contents pages no ads no spamms totally pure contents and what i cannot understand what dmoz is looking for , hoping one day an editor or meta may bump to my site but i been waiting 4 years and no luck.
i guess there is millions cases like me.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
jane77 said:
what i cannot understand what dmoz is looking for
Well what the editors are looking for can be found here:

The most likely reason a listable site hasn't been added is because a volunteer editor hasn't had the opportunity to look at it yet. You are also fighting yourself if you continue to resuggest the same URL over and over again. Should an editor decide to review sites and chooses to review in order recieved (some do, some don't) then each new suggestion overwrites the older one there for it would sink to the bottom of the pile.

If you have suggested your site multiple times as you say, please stop. It is only adding to the work load of any editors volunteering to work in that category.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Jane, please read the TOS. There are many places on the net where you can ask people to review your site, looking for anything unique in the way of authoritative information ... but this forum isn't one of them.

And there are tens of millions of websites that haven't been listed yet -- some of them with good cause, some of them very listable. Suggesting a site -- once or twice -- is all that needs to be done. Suggesting any more than that doesn't help anybody: it wastes your time and may well cause more harm than that.


Mar 16, 2007
i will not submit again and if dmoz staff or editor one day or 10 years have desided to review my site i guess i will receive express invitation . what iam asking for is not a status of the site is a friendly review of <url removed> if possible if not thank you anyway
at least i feel better as i try it all kind by the rules , what may confuse the confirmation after submit indicate 2 to 6 months so i guess i have submit 4 times in 4 year is not going to do any harm to editors i wish if i have a least a reply like your site is suitable or something i even try it to contact dmoz staff for answear and no luck.


Oct 29, 2006
what iam asking for is not a status of the site is a friendly review of <url removed>
This forum does not offer site reviews. For an editor to review a site here and not list it is pointless, and reviewing a site here and listing it because of the request here for review is bypassing the system and giving favouritism to one site over any other waiting.


Mar 16, 2007
gimmster said:
This forum does not offer site reviews. For an editor to review a site here and not list it is pointless, and reviewing a site here and listing it because of the request here for review is bypassing the system and giving favouritism to one site over any other waiting.

>>to review a site here and not list it is pointless
i know is pontless but is very helpful in my case as it save me resubmit and get mr editor or the staff angry.


Oct 29, 2006
it save me resubmit
Two part answer - continual resuggesting is a waste of everyones time - yours and the editors. If a site has not yet been reviewed, resuggesting the site only changes the suggestion date (bumping it to the bottom os the sites waiting in the category if the editor sorts by date. If a site has been reviewed and declined, editors don't want to see it again inless the site has significantly changed content

Second part - sites suggested do not expire - they stay in the category waiting for review forever - suggesting again after maybe 6 months takes care of the minute possibility that there was a data error that occurred with the suggestion. caveat suggesting once more post our system failure - ie anytime since mid January will not be looked on as spam as some (but not all) of the waiting sites were lost during the crash. Once is enough though.
Feb 7, 2007
You are right Dmoz editors are dead or sleeping .

You are right Dmoz editors are dead or sleeping . There is so long time of delay a site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>to review a site here and not list it is pointless

>>i know is pontless but is very helpful in my case as it save me resubmit

Resubmitting, any time, is a waste. There is nothing we can do to prevent you from wasting your time. But we try to explain the ODP process, so you can understand how and when you are wasting your time.

If you're GOING to waste your time resubmitting, though, it is to everyone's best interest that you do it at the worst possible time for you, which is the time that you can submit without wasting OUR time.


Mar 16, 2007
stuff your offer

iam going to reply to you here in your own forum stuff your offer!!
hey i been wrong editors are not dead, my post has been found within 2 weeks my site was not found in 2 years, just for your ref yahoo did not charge me a penny so i guess there editors are alive and maybe have found my post here 2 and add my site i dont know i will make sure i publish ur email every where and please if u see this message copy the below email to every article blog or any page and do not try to report to dmoz, all work together (THE DMOZ FEDERAL BANK LIMITED).

----- Original Message -----
From: randy higgins
To: administration
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:56 PM
Subject: Dmoz Listing

I am very very sorry for my very late reply to you discussion on Resource-Zone!
Everyone who has suggested a site to dmoz knows that you may wait a very
long time to get listed. your site took 2 years and not listed - and that's
typical. I have see people waited as long as 6
years! Its true!.
My confidently offer 7 days guaranteed listing for $500 one-time fee.
i believe this to be an incredible deal since Yahoo directory
charges 299.00/yr for a listing and it takes 7 days for them to review your
site.......even then there is no guarantee that you'll get listed and they
STILL keep you $299.00. DMOZ is much more important to be listed in than
If you are interested, you can pay by check or credit card via PayPal. If
you decide you want to get reviewed ASAP, I will start reviewing as soon as
i see the payment go through.
Again, THIS IS A ONE-TIME OFFER so let me know what you want to do (in other
words, dont wait too long).



Oct 29, 2006
I don't believe that came from an actual editor.

I suspect it's from a scammer who read the thread and thought they could get money out of you.

Ideally you can paste the entire thing into an abuse report at , or you could forward the message including the headers to me (I'll pass it into our internak abuse system), or any meta you see listed.
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