Is DMOZ not taking new submissions?


Nov 6, 2008
I don't submit a great deal. However, now when I click "Suggest URL," it takes me to the "Submitting a Site" page... However there is no way to submit. The "Submitting a Site" page just sends you back to click on the "Suggest URL" link. It is an endless loop. I spent a lot of time looking for the way to submit and find it frustrating. Can anyone tell me where I can submit? Is DMOZ no longer accepting submisstions. If not, I respectfully suggest someone put up a message saying that submissions are not being accepted... or possibly offer a waiting list. I certainly understand that a volunteer-driven organization may reach capacity, but it doesn't do anyone any good -- or generate goodwill -- to waste people's time.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm guessing you're clicking Suggest URL on the home page? That takes you to the guidelines for suggesting your site, which you should read: steps three and four in particular tell you how to suggest your site for review, but I'd recommend you read the entire page.


Nov 6, 2008
Thanks for helping! Usability observation

I actually did look at the instructions. I forgot the interface. I was thinking I needed to find the category (as the instructions said) then go back to the home page and click on Suggest Url link to fill out the submission form (including the category that I just looked up). That would be normal. It is typical to first select a task and then enter the specifics -- and to think that a top link with the same text would be the same on any page. Anyway, it's clear now -- thanks again.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The first sentence in step 4 says
Once you've selected the best category for your site, go directly to that category on and then click "suggest URL."
It doesn't say go to that category and then click "suggest URL" on the home page. I agree that the entire procedure could be better written (to remove some redundancy in particular) and the suggest URL link on the main page could probably be renamed, but that doesn't change the fact that, had you followed the instructions on the page as they are written, you wouldn't have had a problem.
I was thinking I needed to find the category (as the instructions said) then go back to the home page and click on Suggest Url link to fill out the submission form (including the category that I just looked up).

That would be normal.
Where? Most Web-based applications wouldn't ask you to go to the home page in order to perform an action specific to the page you were on, especially if it required information (like a category path) that is easily mistyped.
It is typical to first select a task and then enter the specifics -- and to think that a top link with the same text would be the same on any page. Anyway, it's clear now -- thanks again.
This is true. But in this case, the first task is to navigate to the category where you want to suggest your site, and then click the suggest URL link. The only place the action of the suggest URL link is different is the home page, because (obviously) you can't suggest a site to the top level.
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