Is it fair to wait several months to have website included ?


New Member
Nov 5, 2012
It would be a great service if you guys let us know if the site has been included or not.

It only takes an automated scrip to do the work upon inclusion. This should also apply when website has been excluded from the inclusion - some people wait years.

I just do not know why our site should not be included. I am sure that the person reviewing knows why the reasons for not including a website.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It only takes an automated scrip to do the work upon inclusion.

No it doesn't because very many websites are suggested to the wrong category with non-guidelines compliant titles and descriptions. Lots of them aren't listable at all. It needs a human to fix errors and sort the worthwhile from the MFA trash.

There are plenty of directories that will accept submissions automatically - and it shows.

As to 'is it fair', is it fair to try to guilt editors into doing your bidding when we aren't offering any sort of service to website owners?

There are hundreds of millions of websites out there and we're resource limited so it's gonna take a while.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
The reasons why we do not include some site are specified in our guidelines. Which are accessible to anyone who bothers to read them.
If a site is not listed and it also isn't a type of website we do not want to list than there is only one option open. It is not reviewed yet.
It does not matter if an unreviewed site is suggested or not. The task of an editor is not to process suggested websites but to build a category. Ha can use the pool of suggested sites or he can go elsewhere to find listable sites.


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Hi, i've submitted my url (removed) approx one month ago.
Until now the web site has been upgraded, i mean all the site now is w3c compliant in all the pages and we are working on a seo way for improve our visibility.

I would ask You:
If the url i've submitted it has been refused from you, I'll receive an answer about this reject?
Now the general quality of the site is grow up, so can I resubmit my url or I need to wait Your answer?

Tnx, reqards

PS, I've used the forum following your suggestions to send a feedback.
I've looked, and the service was unavailable


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Hi Luca,
Neither SEO or W3C compliance is a requirement for listing in the directory.
A large number of suggested sites which aren't listed are simply waiting for a volunteer editor to review them.
You don't need to re-suggest, and the wait for a mail will be a long one, as we simply don't send any.
If the site is listable it will appear in the directory, but the delays are variable, so it is impossible to say when.
PS Where did you see that it said you should use the feedback form? :blink:


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
Ah, thank you :) now I understood

I've read this one

If (but only if) you are dissatisfied with the editor's response, you may then use the "Feedback" link at the top of the page to "appeal" the editor's decision. Be specific concerning your...

on under Updating your Site

For this reason i asked you about " if i'll receive a positive/negative feed about my url"
I wrote in forum couse i was not able to find a feedback form for ask..

By the way, thx for your quickly answer!
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