Is it possible to get our site relisted in DMOZ?


Apr 23, 2006
Our site was listed in DMOZ for some time (the site is a little over 3 years old). Approx. six months ago, our site was removed. We believe it was due to a bad link partner(s). As of January 2006, any bad link issue we had, have been resolved.

I would like to resolve any outstanding issues that DMOZ may have had with our site, that resulted it in being removed from the directory.

Understanding that putting the URL in this post, may be in violation of the forum TOS, I have not mentioned it.

It would be very appreciated, if anyone could let me know what steps I need to take in order to start the process of getting our site re-listed in DMOZ.

The site contains only unique quality content, and I believe that it is beneficial to DMOZ users.

I appologize if this post is in the incorrect forum, as I had trouble finding the correct forum for this inquiry.



Jan 23, 2003
We believe it was due to a bad link partner(s).

Since I know absolutely nothing about your site, and I know just a tiny bit about what editors do or do not consider when evaluating or re-evaluating a site, I think I can state with a very high degree of certainty that what you believe is probably incorrect.

While a certain search engine may choose to lower the ranking for a site that links to what it calls "bad neighborhoods" we have no such concept, and in my many readings of the ODP editing guidelines, I recall no reference to judging a site as ineligible because of where it links.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Almost by definition, the ODP doesn't have "problems" with sites. About all you can do that will affect a site listing is:

(1) Threaten or bribe or stalk an editor. (this seems perhaps too obvious to include in the submittal policy.)

(2) Suggest multiple related sites (this is, of course, mentioned in the submittal policy.)

Sites may remain unlisted if a reviewing editor doesn't find significant unique information. But that's not a "problem." That's just a webmaster who's not interested in providing unique information, which is perfectly common and ordinary.

If you haven't done this already, you can re-suggest the site to the category most appropriate for its unique content, on the off chance that it was deleted because it was inaccessible or even (highly unlikely, but possible) by accident.


Apr 23, 2006
Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback. This is very valuable information. Last year the hosting company we use was having issues.

There is a possibility that the site was down/inaccesible.

I will resubmit the site.

Thanks for the help,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, there is a robot that periodically checks site accessability, and automatically "removes" (or "unreviews") sites that do not respond to it. This could be because of various server problems, including site down, site misconfigured, site excludes robots, server blocks unknown user agents, etc...

If that happens, the human reviewers will -- eventually, usually in a matter of days or few weeks -- recheck the site. If it's down then, it may be "permanently" removed.

"Permanently" in this context means until an editor finds it up and reviews it. But that could be a very long time -- possibly shorter if it's resubmitted.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.