Is my site submission completed?


Apr 21, 2008

I was really excited when I found DMOZ to submit my site. After I edited my information and clicked the submit button. However, it comes out the message “Please verify the text in the image. The text in the image and the text you submit in the input field must match…”. I backed the webpage and checked the text. They are the same! Anyway, I don’t know whether my submission is successful.

Later I found another problem; I put my site under wrong category. Now I wish my submission didn’t succeed. But I dare not submit my site once again because there is a policy that we shouldn’t submit our sites twice. I am really in a dilemma. So I come here to ask for your opinion. Here is my question.

1.Was my submission successful?
2.Can I submit my site again under right category right now?

I am really thankful for your kind help and time!



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Unless you get to the screen that says "Thank you for your suggestion" (or words to that effect) then your suggestion hasn't been accepted. In particular, the error message you refer to above is given when the text you entered didn't match the image.

In that case you should check what you've entered and possibly play the audio version to confirm what you're seeing. If that still doesn't allow you to see youre mistake, try using the button to generate a new image (and audio track) to enter the text for.

Since your first suggestion presumably didn't go through, feel free to suggest again. (And even if it did, we wouldn't penalise someone for making a second suggestion to correct a genuine mistake with the first one -- you'd have to try a bit harder than that to get yourself banned for being a spammer.)

(BTW: we're aware that the text of the error message isn't very clear, and suggestions have been made to AOL staf for improvements.)


Apr 21, 2008
Thank you, Chaos127.

Your quick response is really a relief. Now, I feel free to submit my site. Thanks again!
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